• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
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    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

How in the world did this happen?

Last year I grew two peppers, Ghost and Scorpion. I bought small plants locally and figured how to grow keep them alive over 6-8 months. Tried to grow jalapenos (can't keep bugs off them) and serranos (found out water and nutes are important) not really successfully. Found out Tomatoes are even less tolerant of my lax watering schedule. Ghost and Scorpion way too hot for me.
This year I thought I would grow a few peppers that I would like and use.  Now I have this:

What the heck? How did this happen? I mean, to make matters worse, I just started this:

I have the problem, too. Each seed is a possibility. I tend to germinate more than I need, thinking "What if some die?" When none die, I have more plants and try to give some away. When I can't give any away, I think "But I grew them from a tiny seed!" So I find every little niche, nook, and cranny in the yard to dig a hole and plant. (My male lab eventually marks many of these spots; that's his contribution to gardening.) Then forget visiting a farm or big box store - anywhere - for just one plant. I have that syndrome where I feel like a foster parent for a child or animal who needs me. I have about 40 pepps I started from seed, which is more than enough, yet I bought 10 more plants last weekend. ;)
ako1974 said:
I have the problem, too. Each seed is a possibility. I tend to germinate more than I need, thinking "What if some die?" When none die, I have more plants and try to give some away. When I can't give any away, I think "But I grew them from a tiny seed!" So I find every little niche, nook, and cranny in the yard to dig a hole and plant. (My male lab eventually marks many of these spots; that's his contribution to gardening.) Then forget visiting a farm or big box store - anywhere - for just one plant. I have that syndrome where I feel like a foster parent for a child or animal who needs me. I have about 40 pepps I started from seed, which is more than enough, yet I bought 10 more plants last weekend. ;)
I need to quit telling myself I will get rid of the extras.

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ako1974 said:
I have the problem, too. Each seed is a possibility. I tend to germinate more than I need, thinking "What if some die?" When none die, I have more plants and try to give some away. When I can't give any away, I think "But I grew them from a tiny seed!" So I find every little niche, nook, and cranny in the yard to dig a hole and plant. (My male lab eventually marks many of these spots; that's his contribution to gardening.) Then forget visiting a farm or big box store - anywhere - for just one plant. I have that syndrome where I feel like a foster parent for a child or animal who needs me. I have about 40 pepps I started from seed, which is more than enough, yet I bought 10 more plants last weekend. ;)
I am sooo there with you. When the seeds don't germinate, I start more, keeping the old ones. Then the old ones germinate and I "have" to keep the new ones...then they germinate, too. What if this plant has the pheno I want? Lol. I'm overrun...again.
mas_fuego said:
What the heck? How did this happen?
I'm no doctor, but did symptoms of your condition first appear after joining THP? 
Yours sounds like a common condition of many of the members here, and unfortunately, there is no cure.
I myself started my foray into growing peppers quite innocently with about five varieties. Common "gateway peppers" if you will, with the likes of Tabasco, Cayenne and Jalapeño. "They're only mild" they said, "you only need a few plants" they said. Well, after a while I just wasn't getting the sting I used to enjoy. Then while in my search of hotter peppers to fuel my newly found need for fire, I stumbled upon THP and knew this is where I could feed my addiction.
A few years after I found THP, I realized I was severely infected and now have close to two hundred varieties. I realize things won't stop here, and in fact have more varieties on their way as we speak.
Fear not though fellow pepper addict, whilst research continues to find a cure, find comfort in knowing you're with those who can truly sympathize with the pain and suffering such a spicy addiction can bring.
Don't overwater, buy lots of milk, and keep your toilet paper in the freezer.
SR.  :rofl:
Eventually you will evolve into laziness. instead of 100 plants of lots of vars, you will have 100 plants of 1 variety.
Once you get your harvest of a few bushels you create a beautiful batch of uniform tasty spicy pepper puree.
The harvests keep coming and you try to give it away to your friends but they say it's too spicy they could never use more than 1 jar!
You run out of space to put all your puree so you start dumping it in your bathtub.
As your addiction to peppers increases you find you can't get enough. soon the puree starts looking pretty inviting.
You get in the tub submerge your head, ah it's so nice and warm. but wait... maybe it's too warm.
Your toes start tingling you can feel the puree penetrating every orifice.
Every single nerve in your body is burning. Involuntarily your mouth opens to try and scream only for the peppers to fill your mouth and throat burning you from the inside.
You attempt to life your head but your muscles are not longer responding. 
The pain is too great, your vision starts to fade.
It's all ogre now
shrek is love, shrek is life
juanitos said:
Eventually you will evolve into laziness. instead of 100 plants of lots of vars, you will have 100 plants of 1 variety.
Once you get your harvest of a few bushels you create a beautiful batch of uniform tasty spicy pepper puree.
The harvests keep coming and you try to give it away to your friends but they say it's too spicy they could never use more than 1 jar!
You run out of space to put all your puree so you start dumping it in your bathtub.
As your addiction to peppers increases you find you can't get enough. soon the puree starts looking pretty inviting.
You get in the tub submerge your head, ah it's so nice and warm. but wait... maybe it's too warm.
Your toes start tingling you can feel the puree penetrating every orifice.
Every single nerve in your body is burning. Involuntarily your mouth opens to try and scream only for the peppers to fill your mouth and throat burning you from the inside.
You attempt to life your head but your muscles are not longer responding. 
The pain is too great, your vision starts to fade.
It's all ogre now
shrek is love, shrek is life
Anyone else a little frightened after reading this?   :dance:
Better yet, sometimes your friends will forget you have a disease and foolishly make the mistake of saying something like:  "My wife would kinda like to try growing a plant.  Can you bring us something mild?"  Next thing they know, the doorbell rings and their front porch looks like a scene from an "after humans" movie.  Plants on every square inch of space.  Plants on the porch swing.  Plants on the railings.  Somewhere in the distance, they can hear a roaring engine and maniacal laughter as you speed off to move dozens of seedlings into newly free grow space.
(I like to think of myself as Johnny Appleseed's black sheep brother.  Blasting around on a motorcycle, burning everything I touch, and the first one's always free.  :D)