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How long have you kept a pepper plant alive?

Pepper plants are perennial and can live over a decade. Cold weather and frost is what kills most of them in our garden. Here in central Florida, I grow mine in raised beds and most of them do not make it through the winter even though the last two winters have been mild. I do have a Cayanne that is starting it's fourth year that still looks great. All I have done the last few winters is trim down the height and if we are going to have a night below 40 degrees, I have a big nursery container I cover it with.
I know some of you live where cold weather is not a issue, and some of you overwinter them indoors. So how old a pepper plant have you been able keep?
yeah definitely the frost killed my last year all of them( in buckets) but my ghost pepper that I had in the ground sustained some significant damage I cut back all that was dead and it has since bounce back its just over a year old (sept2012) it is now about 4 feet tall 3 feet wide
my late niece Amandas Sangria ornamental
it lived just 2 years and then it they both lost there leaves and did not get them back, i waited for a few weeks and nothing? they died and still not sure why? old age for that species i guess
never kept one any longer than that
maybe someday
thanks your friend Joe
I have some mini habs going into their fourth grow season, planted it about one and a half years ago and still going strong.
I have a 4 year old red habanero and 2 year old black pearl, basket of fire, super chili, and a hybrid chinense of my own crossing
I have a peruvian white habanero, 2 fatalii clones and a dorset naga clone that are 2 years old, just yesterday pruned for OW. A friend has given me this spring a jamaican red he said it's in its 5th year. This one is going in my aunts greenhouse, hope it lives some more.