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how long should Bondas take to sprout?

I'm getting concerned...Day 11 for me, and most of my other seeds have sprouted, with the typical 85 % germination rate. I have 12 Bonda Ma Jaques seeds and NOT ONE has broken ground yet. Anyone have experience with this cultivar - is it just very slow to get going?
Not with that type but for most superhots it could take up to a month. Heat is important for a good germination of superhots
Mine took 5 & 6 days. With 28-30c temp. 2 out of 4 rest i threw away as i only wanted 2 anyway.
But give them up to a month. 12 seeds and not a single one in 11 days seems a bit odd. I would be a bit worried.

If you got another batch of seeds i would put 2-5 into dirt agin. Or try find some new ones just in case.
i planted 2 (i plant 2 of everything, 1 in rockwool, 1 in soil) on Feb 8, i gave up on the seeds but kepted them in the germination chamber, on march 15 the rockwool version sprouted, nothing from the soiled version. the germination chamber is heated, sits at approximately 85F. has a high humidity content and has co2 being trickled in. march 12 i put another bonda in a plastic cup with only a damp paper towel,then friday(march 18), i decided to add a thin layer of promix hp(with mycoriseo) after reading that the mycorrhizal fungi may assist in germination - i also have 2 rocoto seeds in the cut as i am having a challenge getting them to germinate as well, the seeds just sit on top of the soil.

good luck.
i went 0 for 3 on the bondas. i think that it was the only variety that didn't germinate. gave them 3 weeks and then gave up - everything else had sprouted.
Two years ago I tried growing 'em but didn't even get one to germinate!

I've heard of others having difficulty too but not sure if they are just extra tricky to get to sprout or whether I just ended up with a bad batch of seed.
i went 0 for 3 on the bondas. i think that it was the only variety that didn't germinate. gave them 3 weeks and then gave up - everything else had sprouted.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they are the only variety that hasn't germinated for me.
golden bullet habs took a long time as well, i want to call some of mine 2nd year but they germinated so late that i still consider them 1st year.
Try soaking in salt petre for four hours then rinse in freash water place into coffee filter into baggie at 85 degrees 4 to 7 days, works for me!!
I got a few to sprout with a paper towel and baggie, but only 1 of 6 actually popped out of the dirt. I would guess it was about 5-6 days for a root to show in the bag and another 3-4 for a sprout from the dirt. I gave up on the rest after about 3 weeks.
They took about 5-7 days for me on average, and all 8 sprouted. The 4 I kept are all growing like champions too.

I find them always taking longer to germinate and my germination rate is lower than other hot varieties. Worst one for me so far is the white hab.

Same for me...planted over 20 seeds from 2 sources and only got one sickly sprout, which quickly died. I had a few very slow to germinate chocolate varieties but I still got plenty of plants from them. The white habs have just been abysmal for me. Not sure what's up with that...
I got mine from THSC and they sprouted in about 15 days or so. I had all but 2 from the seed pack come up.
I didn't do anything fancy with mine, just stuck them in peat pellets and rapid rooters under a dome with a heat mat and a small light. Up they came right along with everything else I planted at the time.
They took about 5-7 days for me on average, and all 8 sprouted. The 4 I kept are all growing like champions too.

Same for me...planted over 20 seeds from 2 sources and only got one sickly sprout, which quickly died. I had a few very slow to germinate chocolate varieties but I still got plenty of plants from them. The white habs have just been abysmal for me. Not sure what's up with that...

Update...I was pleasantly surprised to see 3 white habanero sprouts this morning. It looks like I might get a few white hab plants after. :woohoo: It had only been 2 weeks, but this was my third sowing so I had kind of written them off anyway. Only one of the three hooks has popped out of the soil and it looks pretty weak, but I'll baby them until they get strong (hopefully). :woohoo:
My bondas were around 7-10 days as well 3 of 5 sprouted from THSC. Just used soil and a heating pad germinator. So far they're looking pretty good too. But right next to 'em I went zero for 5 with fatalis and another fat goose egg for 2 hab stains. But I think I may have let them get damped off.
Greetings, friends. Thanks for all the replies. Well, it's Day 13, and this morning, 3 of my 12 Bondas had popped their little green heads above the soil line! I'm psyched.

I guess there's a reason why "pepper" and "patience" are near each other in the dictionary.

btw these Bonda seeds are from THSC, planted in coco coir, 85 degrees 24x7, under humidity dome.
Bonda's are my favorite peppers. I only had 2 of them make it all the way through the winter this last year, but am going to run a bunch of cuttings from the ones I have.
Good luck with them.