i planted 2 (i plant 2 of everything, 1 in rockwool, 1 in soil) on Feb 8, i gave up on the seeds but kepted them in the germination chamber, on march 15 the rockwool version sprouted, nothing from the soiled version. the germination chamber is heated, sits at approximately 85F. has a high humidity content and has co2 being trickled in. march 12 i put another bonda in a plastic cup with only a damp paper towel,then friday(march 18), i decided to add a thin layer of promix hp(with mycoriseo) after reading that the mycorrhizal fungi may assist in germination - i also have 2 rocoto seeds in the cut as i am having a challenge getting them to germinate as well, the seeds just sit on top of the soil.
good luck.