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How many plants are you growing?

I just went outside and counted everything I have and the total ended up being 133! 107 in the garden bed and 26 in containers. A bit ambitious for a first year grower if I say so myself. So far it's been a month since they've gone out and I haven't had to water at all since it's rained so much. Finally had a few dry and sunny days in the 70s with more in the forecast the rest of the week. Looks like they're finally starting to grow!
Started off planning about 30 maybe 40 plants, something like that. I am currently up to 145 and still have seeds I am trying to sprout. Addiction anyone? :)

i'm very ambitious. first year growing anything. i got probably a hundred right now. 70 pepper plants and a bunch of herbs, melons, tomatoes and other veg. pepper plants mostly seedlings right now.
Lets see...
1 bell boy hybrid
1 jalapeno
1 waialua
1 carribean red
1 heatwave lettuce
1 strawberry plant
4 orange hab
5 sugar cherry tomato
5 cherokee purple tomato
4 sunflowers
24 red habs
6 naga morich
7 trinidad scorp
6 morouga blend scorp
9 ts yellow CARDI
1 fatali
1 douglah

I think thats it....thats from memory. Im at work so i cant be sure lol
10 tomatoes
19 peppers
10 (seedling)peppers
3 zucchini
3 cucumbers
5 watermellon
planted 10 arborvitae for my mother 3 days ago.

Coconut Tree :liar:
It's my first year growing exotic chile and I started very late so I went the plant route. I started with 18 plants from CCN. Then ordered some other plants I HAD to try from two other places. That brought the total up to 36. Then CCN had their end of year sale and re-stocked a lot of plants that were not available the first time I ordered. So I went wild and got another 12 from them bring me to 48. Then my local nursery clearanced their remaining chile plants and then threw in a buy 1 get 1 free sale. I came home smiling but disgusted with 3 Bhut Jolokia, 3 Poblano and 2 Red Habaneros (they were all about 12" tall so I could not say no for 4 dollars... is that OCD or good pepper management? So the final tally is 56 chile plants with 29 different varieties! Wow, reading that back, looks like something that would be said at the opening meeting of a chile addict’s anonymous meeting!
70 peppers
6 melons
2 watermelons
6 tomato
12 Papaya trees
6 Mexican Papaya trees
Thats it for now, 6 habs & 6 rocoto about 1" tall under lights.
I have about 100 peppers plants, 50 tomato plants, and too many other plants to count at the moment(herbs, fruit, veg, flowers/ornamentals, tree seedlings)
7 X Orange Habanero
7 X Thai
1 X White Habanero
2 X 7 pot
2 X Bhut Jolokia
1 X Hot Banana
2 X Lemon Yellow Habanero
1 X Cayenne
1 X Jalapeno
1 X Anaheim
2 X Trinidad Scorpion that I just sowed the other day.
Plus another six coming.

At the end it should be about 30 to 35 plants. Next year I assume will be A LOT more.
I started off with about 130 pepper plants. After culling, giving some away, disposing of ones that I didn't like the flavor of, I am currently down to about 54 plants and I may whittle that number down a little more before the end of the season.

Other plants
5 - Tomato plants
1 - zucchini
2 - summer squash
4 - chives
I'm kinda of embarassed about only having 8 pepper plants...

Hot Lemon
Chocolate Habanero

I'll overwinter them and next year I'm planing on growing a 7 pod and a C. pubescens ( any variety ).
When I win the lotery and buy myself a big house I'll have my revenge and grow hundreds! Thousands!!!
I'm kinda of embarassed about only having 8 pepper plants...

Hot Lemon
Chocolate Habanero

I'll overwinter them and next year I'm planing on growing a 7 pod and a C. pubescens ( any variety ).
When I win the lotery and buy myself a big house I'll have my revenge and grow hundreds! Thousands!!!

Your 8 plants sure are nice selections. I really hope I can find the strength to pick and keep only my favorite 8-10 varieties out of the 29 I am growing. 56 containers is a pain to take care of. Thinking about it, I really don't have room to properly over winter more than 10 or so anyway so I may not have a choice.