How many plants are you growing?

You're only growing 8 plants, but all great varieties there!
To me number of plants has no real meaning, its more about the overall care, size, and production. Starting plants early or overwintering will almost always give you bigger plants and more production, but those who start late can just grow more smaller plants.
I went to a local pepper farm last year and couldn't believe how many tiny little plants they had. Pepper plants as far as you could see but each one was only maybe 6 inches tall on Labor day weekend
I have just 58 but have a good mix of super hots. Next year I will grow the ones I like the best out of this bunch plus some others that I didn't start this year~
I don't know why but I have about 3-4 of each so I may have to get rid of a bunch if I don't like them.
56 pepper plants
4 Sweet pepper plants
14 tomato plants
3 Pumpkin
3 Watermelon
12 or so cucumbers
12 or so green beans
6 peppers in 5 gal buckets.
3 peppers for overwintering (currently in little ricotta cheese containers).
3 (approx) basil plants (3 cinnamon, 1 pistou).
2 lettuces of the half-assed, i'm gonna put crap into the railing of my fire-escape, kind.

i'll actually be sprouting a few more basil plants in the next couple of days/weeks, since I got a bit more space in my fire escape after my neighbor gave up his "smoking spot" for an AC.
3 Bad Datils - at the end of the first harvest, 2 gal of pods in the freezer, and 100+ in vinagar, new growth and blooms occuring.
5 OC Datils
6 BESG Datils
2 NuMex Datils
+ 12 seeded
1 NuMex Bhut Jolokia
+ 4 seeded
7 California Wonder Bells
2 Cayanne
13 Cubanelle
13 Jalapino
4 Peter Pepper
2 Purira
+10 seeded
6 Serrano
6 Sweet Banana

10 Better Boy Toms
6 Jellybean Toms

1 Bathtub full of Rosemary

I forgot the 12 Lemon Cucumbers.

I have so many cause I was going to sell peppers and tomatoes at the local beaches farmers market, then the city administrators decided that everyone needed agro licences, inspections, and shut just about everyone from the actual beaches cities down. But now I like having something that takes my mind away from all the other daily troubles. D@#%$!M Bugs!
3 Bhut Jolokia
2 Orange Hab
1 Red Savina Hab
1 Jalapeno
1 Poblano
1 Serrano
1 Zavory
1 Aji Lemon
1 Anaheim
1 Bell
1 Cayenne
1 Scotch Bonnet
2 Trinidad Scorpion
1 Datil
1 Fatali
1 Thai
1 Pasilla (Holy Mole)
1 Carribean Red

2 Green Tomatillos
2 San Marzano Tomatoes
1 Sweet Basil
1 Cilantro
1 German Thyme

I think that's everything.
8-Orange Habaneros
5-Costa Rica Red Habaneros
4-Jalapeños (Early)
2-Chocolate Habaneros
2-Dorset Nagas

Peanuts-An uncountable number of plants
White Thai Corn (2.5m x 2.5m)
8-Seeda Tomato Plants (Thai type)
8-Chinese Kale
6-Thai Herbs (???)
3-Lemon Grass
2-Mango (1 green & 1yellow)
1-Kefir Lime Tree
1-Holy Basil
?-Basil (the wife planted)
?-Sweet Basil (ditto)