seeds-germination How many seeds per plant cell?

Just wandering what number of seeds the majority of you put in each cell when germinating.

This is my first year growing super hots but in all my previous years of tomato, cayenne, habanero, and jalapeño growing I have almost always put 2 seeds in each cell, only to have to thin them out because I have never really had issues with germination rates.

I just hate clipping a perfectly good plant so I have always let both plants get a little size on them and then separate them in a weak water/superthrive solution and re-plant them. It's a lot of work though. So how many do you put in each cell?
After my experience this year, one or two. If my cloning experiment works,
I'll do two and then clone one when thinning. If not I'll do one and just plant
a few extra cells. Then you don't have to deal with it at all! I put three per cell
and it was definitely too many, iMO.
I'm just gonna do 1 in mine. But that's because I have 72 cells and have no idea what I'd even do with that many plants, lol. If I was pressed for cells, I'd do 2 at the most.
not trying to be mean here but if you have to plant more than one seed per cell because of germination percentages, you are doing something wrong...

if I don't get at least 60% germination, I am very very upset and is usually because I effed up somewhere along the letting the starting media dry out after germination begins ==> instant death...or temperature during germination too warm...after my temperatures hit 90 (and above), I start seeing a drastic dropoff in germination percentages...

and two things a chili gardener/farmer must remember....patience and don't take short cuts...
I only ever put one in, as has been said, except for the occasional accidental second.

The first year, I was told to go three per cell... Ended up having to try and seperate three plants out of each...

This year, In one segment of one tray (9 squares) I'm attempting an approach graft of three different varieties... just for the novelty of it. Datils, Chili de Arbol, and some of the biggest cayennes I've ever grown before (pepper joes).