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How many yrs have you been growing hot peppers?

on and off since the late 80's... consistently for 15 years or so... commercially for 12 years with a 2 year break in the middle due to a back injury.
Started gardening with my father when I was 12. Nothing hotter than habs because we bought the plants back then. This is grow season 2 from seed for me =) Once you've popped hooks, you'll never go back!
Growing annums eg cayenne and Hungarian wax etc on and off for 7-8 years and this is my first year growing a wide range of superhot chinense, annums, baccatums etc..

but been into gardening since I was a young kid of 6-7 (my parents never ate spicy food so they never had Chilli's)
This will be Season 5 for me...It doesn't seem like it's been that long...

You are lucky, mh. I only found this group a couple of years ago...Things would have been much different if I had been consulting with these guys from the beginning!

Good luck with your 2012 Grow and welcome to THP!
This is my first year starting from seed indoor and growing anything but Jalapenos or Bell Peppers. I currently have 23 different varieties ranging from Bell to Bhut's & Butch T's and various ones in between. I think I'll start a GLOG so that I can get help and advice. I feel a little late and rushed as I just got my tent and seeds last week. I wish I would got this notion at the end of last fall and read this forum since then. Oh well better late than never and hopefully it won't be as frustrating as I'm making it out to be. :pray:

Grew tomatoes, jalapenos, bell, beans, beets, carrots, etc. from nursery plants for the past 3 years.

I think this year is th 10th, but the last 5 has been more serious, and this year is going to top it all if all goes well....
I've been gardening my whole life! Come from a long line of farmers! Been serious about growing peppers since 1984. so that means I'm old oh my god!!!!! Visited Barbados for seeds of scotch bonnets the call them bonnie peppers or at least they did when I was there!
on and off since about 1992 hot peppers that is
i have been gardening since i was a small boy, my father and i would do it together, he didnt like hot peppers so we never grew them
thanks for asking i hope you have a great growing season oon your first atempt

thanks your friend Joe
[sub]Third for me but I remember spending summers with my grandpa in Willow Creek California, NorCal-Humboldt , he had 3 HUGE garden(fruits and veggies) legal crop :whistle: and I could not stay out of the gardens, loved the growing and harvesting and eating the fruit & veggies at the kitchen table. No greater feeling in the world[/sub]
I appreciate all the good stories along with how many growing yrs keep it coming guys!!! Thanks!!! I also should probably add that this is my first time growing anything ever lol!!! I never had an interest when I was younger,believe it or not. I have learned so much about peppers and growing plants in general on this forum! Thanks a bunch for teaching me!!!!
I've been growing hot peppers for a little bit over a month. I had twice attempted to grow super hots before but I failed. this time around looks like I am going to be successful thanks to all the help and information I've gotten from this forum.
This will be my second year. Last year I got a late start so this will be my first full year from seed to plant. Good luck to everyone. Great forum for advice
8-9 years. I have always enjoyed gardening even way before that, but I've been growing more stuff in my own garden(s) from this point. I got a bit "addicted" to gardening!
Year one for me. I move to Switzerland 1.5 years ago from Nyc after living there for a few years. But one thing i really miss here that is hard to find is good mexican or island food. So i decided to learn to cook it my self. Then i figured out it is pretty hard to find hot peppers here. And thats how the urge was born.
it is addicting isn't it Chris...and the most relaxing thing in the world...I did NOT say it wasn't work...lordy knows....
This is my second consecutive year (and second successfull year) growing peppers.

as a teenager 10 years ago or so, I had a small garden, and in retrospect I think I over watered them like crazy. Didn't try again until last year, and learned to neglect them just the right amount haha.

grew about 15lbs of jalapenos, and about 8 lbs of habaneros, and made hot sauce to give out to familly and friends for christmas :D

it was great, and I'd been stung.

This year I'm growing about 40 varieties, and the list continues to grow. I have a number of acres, and thus my garden space is only limited by my willingness to prepare the gardens with my shovel lol.
I'm almost as old as AJ

Damn that's old...
oh wait you probably don't hear too good either.
I'm only a young 41 but I catch a daily ration about my age because I am surrounded by 18-22 year olds...
Enjoying this topic and the stories/history shared!

[sub]Third for me but I remember spending summers with my grandpa in Willow Creek California, NorCal-Humboldt , he had 3 HUGE garden(fruits and veggies) legal crop :whistle: and I could not stay out of the gardens, loved the growing and harvesting and eating the fruit & veggies at the kitchen table. No greater feeling in the world[/sub]

I used to help my grandpa too. He would sell at the local farmers market....everything from purple hulled peas and tomatoes to pecans and peaches. He had about 20 pecan trees and no expensive shaker or nets...just me! I would climb the trees and shake loose all I could then gather them up in burlap sacs.
Thanks for reminding me of those times!