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How much do you spend on your gardening?

I'm too scared to add it all up but I reckon I have cut my costs in half from using recycled materials for building my sheds.
Most of the money probably goes on electrictiy for my 2 hydro rooms and my seed starting cupboard and all the equipment and nutrients and coco.

I use rainwater so don't have to pay for that and have found ways to cut my nutrient costs soon by heaps! We have also just put up solar panels but that wont start paying itself off for probably 5 years. So next year will probably mainly be electricity,coco and pots and labels for plants I will be selling.
I hope that the plants,seeds and pods I sell will pay off what I spend on my chillies though!
But if it doesn't at least I'll have lots of pods and fun!
hmmm... I try not to think about it & this year i'm trying to keep costs lower (ha ha)

Over 2 years, I've spent:
50 on leds, psu etc + 40 on soldering iron & other tools. 10 on other lights & fittings
about 80 on seeds & 20 on posting seeds
100 on pots, trays, soil (I make my own paper pots from newspaper for starting the seeds. It doen't save a ton of money, but means I can fit 28 pots in my seed trays and don't have to disturb the roots when potting on)

This year I'm gonna build a small (6x3x3) greenhouse/large coldframe & reckon it'll be about 150 + some more tools (mainly a router, but you can never have too many tools :)) and I'll need some more soil etc

So it's coming in at 200-300/year (that's pounds, so less than $500), and many are one offs. This year I'm gonna flog some plants at a local market too, hopefully recoup a couple of hundred.

all said and done I figure with the cost of the seeds, pots, soil, my grow boxes I built, lights, fan, manure, hoses,and supplies......I am in the ballpark of $500 but when you figure out how many veggies I grew....I figured I got in the ballpark of 40 - 50 lbs of HOT peppers (I have 13 Red Savinas, 13 Yellow Scotch Bonnets, and 12 Bhut Jolokias), 15 lbs of green beans, 30 lbs of tomatoes, literally over 150 lbs of Zucchinni (I froze about 15 lbs, supplied a local fresh market, and supplied enough zucchinni for a large Zucchinni Cookoff) about 5 lbs of onions, 6 heads of cabbage (3 heads were turned into saurekraut and the rest was shreaded for coleslaw) 8 heads of lettuce, 5 lbs of kholrabi, 5 lbs of broccholi 6 large watermelons, 5 cantelopes,2 dozen sweet corn.....needless to say I have been doing some serious canning and freezing!!!!!

So when everything was done I probably saved 10 times the amount spent and made about $400 so my garden pays off in the long run....

I know you guys are probably talking about just growing the peppers.....so a majority of the money spent was spent preseason starting all the peppers....

Quite a nice harvest!

Like you, I spent 99.44% of the cost just to get plants in the ground. The only expense after they were planted was about $5 for gas (for the tiller) and $4.50 for string (for the Florida Weave).

One big difference is that a sizable amount of my costs were for plants to sell. I covered the cost of the seeds, trays, potting mix, fertilizer, etc., with a bit left over from plant sales but am still about $200 down when I include the lumber, lights, Mylar - things I will not need to buy this year.

But, I just spent $128 with Novesell ordering containers and trays!

Taj said:
Probably sitting at around $1500-$2000 or so in the last year ... but a bit of that was for tools that should theoretically last me the rest of my life.

The way I look at it though, is it is a small price to pay to keep me occupied and to give me something to do everyday. Even if everyone else thinks its a waste of money, better that I do something constructive than sit around all day bored ...

I've probably spent around the same amount. With all my HID lights, hoods, fans, bulbs, soil, pots, ferts etc etc. However I would gladly pay a lot more for an endless supply of peppers that I have on hand. Plus this is my first year growing so the cost next year will be a LOT less as I only plan on spending money on soil.

My last 2 purchases was a worm farm for making tea and an indoor heated composter. The composter is really nice gives fresh compost almost every 2 weeks and fits right where the old trash compactor used to. Plus my association gave me $50 toward the purchase as I'm cutting back on the amount of trash I put in the bins.
U$D 2160.37.

This includes a Hammermill for composting, lighting, 6 tonnes of horse poo, cups, grow bags, nutrients, removal of three trees, postage of seeds, etc.

So much for the cheaper alternative of growing your own produce!! LOLOLolololol!
ok - this next year I only have to buy ummmm everything since it will be my first year at this

but it won't be too bad since I only want one of everything I have read about and two or three (or maybe 4) of some of it

at least I will be spending less money on things that consistantly get me in trouble
Umm.....if you ask my wife, about $100. Actual cost though is more like $300 for compost, seeds, replacing worn out containers and supports, fertilizer, seed starting mix....there is always something to buy even if you don't really need it.
