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water How often do you water ?

So seeds are in three domes, one has jiffy pellets and the other two are rockwool.

When they start to show signs of life how often do you feed them nutes ? with every watering ? or everyother watering ?

i was thinking on watering them everyother day and feeding them every second watering.. how does that sound ?:lol:
I water them when they soil starts to dry out and they look a tiny bit stressed. Always from the bottom to encourage roots to grow toward the water. Last year, that meant once a week (they were in seven ounce styrofoam cups) when they were little, twice a week when they were ready to transplant.

Generally, I add nuits to the water every other week..

I have to (read must) water my indoor plants every other day about 0,5 Liter. Container size 7.5 Liter. Once a week I give them 1 Liter with nutrients.
I would only water them when they get a bit dry and I wouldn't use any fertilizers for a little while yet.
wordwiz said:
I water them when they soil starts to dry out and they look a tiny bit stressed. Always from the bottom to encourage roots to grow toward the water. Last year, that meant once a week (they were in seven ounce styrofoam cups) when they were little, twice a week when they were ready to transplant.

Generally, I add nuits to the water every other week..


thanks Mike,

i had plants last year that i rarely watered, i would say once a month.... for one reason... i was told that chili plants like dry loose soils and that they dont like getting their feet wet... the plants ended up taking a very long time to produce any fruit but at the end it was quite good...

but since i am going with a soil less medium, i will stick to watering every third/fourth day and feeding them everyother watering...
I would only water them when they get a bit dry and I wouldn't use any fertilizers for a little while yet.

yeah, i was thinking if my watering every third / fourth day is still looking like its too much...i will continue the way i was watering them last year... once they get dry ontop..
i sent out another pack for you today Potawie. It better get there because i have run out of Bhut seeds.. :(

im praying i get at least a couple of these seeds to germinate and grow... first time, always feel like i am doing something wrong..lol
If i don't water my plants every other day it will dry out. Leaves hanging almost vertically. I have them in a box with CFL's. The water evaporates very quickly.
lee said:
If i don't water my plants every other day it will dry out. Leaves hanging almost vertically. I have them in a box with CFL's. The water evaporates very quickly.

interesting, any photos of your plants lee ?
one comment about watering....some will agree, some won't...if you can get a moisture meter and measure the soils moisture 4" deep, that is where it matters...

hot temperatures + wet soil = disaster
AlabamaJack said:
one comment about watering....some will agree, some won't...if you can get a moisture meter and measure the soils moisture 4" deep, that is where it matters...

hot temperatures + wet soil = disaster

yes ! couldnt agree with you more AJ.

What is the ideal moisture for chili plants ?

from what i know, they like the soil dry and loose...
I try and keep mine at the mid range...not wet, not dry 4" down...if I am at the point of pod production, I will let it move more to the dry end to stress the plants.
I judge when to water by lifting the pots to see how heavy they are. Works when you have just a few containers, but AJ would be a tired dude after lifting all his.

You don't want to let seedlings dry out, but once the plants get bigger, it doesn't hurt them to wilt a bit every now and then. Better that than overwater.

Or you could use coco coir & perlite and then you can water and water til you're tired of watering and not drown them....

(sorry, gotta shamelessly plug coco coir every chance i get)
In summer, usually once a day, or more if they wilt, which can be up to three times per day. Dont know about winter yet, havent had one! Seedlings, though, can be once every two weeks, depending on where they are.
McGoo said:
In summer, usually once a day, or more if they wilt, which can be up to three times per day. Dont know about winter yet, havent had one! Seedlings, though, can be once every two weeks, depending on where they are.

Dude, what kind of soil are you using?

I watered on Saturday morning, hit 37C Monday where a few plants started to wilt. Watered Monday night, hit 40C yesterday, still haven't had to water since.

I purposefully mixed coco peat bricks into my soil mix to try and retain moisture just a little longer, I reckon thats what's saved my bacon a few times since I'm at work and the plants would of surely died.

Does your soil at least have water crystals?
MiLK_MaN said:
Does your soil at least have water crystals?

How do you keep water frozen at 40C?

Just yanking your chain, those water crystals do help in pots especially in the middle of the summer. If i had more than just a few to keep up with i might look into them.