• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Get rid of the tray put it on a small bit of wood and wack it in full sun ,the new growth will harden to it and it should take off , no fert for a while just water every couple of days

Lol and pull out what's dead behind it and chuck a Chilli in that pot
Haha it's a rental property, there was a lot of pot plants half dead there already I'm not sure what the rules are on emptying out the pots!
Thanks ill give that a try, it's meant to be around 32 degrees for the next week or so, so no crazy blistering heat, hopefully give him the break he needs!
Morning pot porn :)



No idea what this bohemith is

Supposed to a black stinger

That sounds really rich, how are the plants doing in it?
This Butch is loving it. He was stunted and sickly before I potted him up.
It's not that rich when you consider the manure is well composted.

Hmm not too sure exactly it's pretty big probably about 30cm high by 30cm in diameter?? I don't know how many litres it would hold? Hang on ill take a photo


I'd dig out that there garden bed in the background. Add a shit load of compost and manure to it and plant your chillies in there. F pots dude. You can't beat the ground!!
What exactly is hippy Neils mix??

The recipe I got from Neil was 25L Coles potting mix, 10L coir brick and 1-2L Dynamic Lifter. I used to add 10L perlite to help with drainage. Wasn't a bad mix until the Coles potting mix changed. Started getting some bags of this funky (and by funky, I mean BAD funky) black stuff (don't even know how to describe it!) and now it's the usual uncomposted bark mulch that somehow passes as "potting mix".

I'd dig out that there garden bed in the background. Add a shit load of compost and manure to it and plant your chillies in there. F pots dude. You can't beat the ground!!


Hello, I'm Mr. Chilli. :party:
The recipe I got from Neil was 25L Coles potting mix, 10L coir brick and 1-2L Dynamic Lifter. I used to add 10L perlite to help with drainage. Wasn't a bad mix until the Coles potting mix changed. Started getting some bags of this funky (and by funky, I mean BAD funky) black stuff (don't even know how to describe it!) and now it's the usual uncomposted bark mulch that somehow passes as "potting mix".


Hello, I'm Mr. Chilli. :party:
ha now I can see a face




I was down at the one in Melville yesterday arvo. Looked really good! I'd've bought some but I bought some direct from Wildfire Chilli the week before. I really hope Bunnings keep them going, would be great to be able to pick some up early next season wihtout having to head out to Canning Vale. I think I might be too impatient for growing from seeds, haha! I'll have to work on the patience because growing from seed has been so much more rewarding for me (also a lot more frustrating though!!)
I'm a seeds starter 2 , what they sting at bunnings ? If they look like the Habs I Wudnt bother

At bunnings u don't just get a plant ! U also get the funk from everything found that out the hard way
Having your internet throttled back sucks. Its like the good old days with the 56k modems, waiting for those picture to load on the screen :shocked: ;)

My first chilli plants were orange habs from bunnings and they grew true and did well.

Since then I had an 8 pack of cayennes that all inexplicably died and herbs which came with a bonus colony of caterpillars.

I bought one of wildfires' plants from bunnings because I knew they had just been dropped off there. She got a nursery to start them and the damn thing looks awesome. Was twice the size of mine in the exact same pot. I would love to get the inside info on how the professional nurseries start and care for their plants.
Morning pot porn :)



No idea what this bohemith is

Supposed to a black stinger

Ninja turtle!

Ok people... I'm calling it! Saturday 16th Feb. We all get together drink sum beer mung sum pods. I know sum of us are up nth sum down sth. So I guess the city would be the fair place to meet. Any suggestions were to go??? I know of a burger bar that does Bhut burgers. Only 4 People have finished it. I reckon it would be cool to start there? Lets make it happen folks!
I got my first plants at Bunnings too. Some orange hab seedlings and some jalapenos. They've been doing ok considering the mistakes I made early on which has stunted them I think (5 months old and still pretty tiny) but they've been growing a few pods so I've left them alone. I pulled these two off the plants yesterday (each from a different plant and they were the only pod each plant had :tear:). Anyway I'm pretty excited because they're my first hottish pods this season! One on the right is earmarked for an omelette, haven't decided what to do with the other one yet.

Check m8 lol

M8 u think u got probs what the hell am I gunna do with all these , I've got powder all over the house the dehydrator running non stop . The freezer is next I think

Be proud of ur Habs they r yours!