• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

I'm losing too many chilies to grubs and catpillars!!
I've done some spraying but havn't seen any stop to it yet!
I didn't mind when it was my generic not so hot chilies but they have started on my jamacains and I'm worried they will start on my brain strain, mouruga and carolina reapers!!
Does any one know what this little grub is called? this is what I'm finding inside.

This jamacain got chewed out by both sorts! the little red grub and one of the bigger black catapilars, the black ones chew big holes, the red grubs only make a tiny little hole! luckily the spiders in my chilies can kill the black ones!


found this one dead hanging in my chili plant done by this spiders fangs




I've got the beat a bug garlic and chili spray, but I'm not sure if thats effective against these ones.
I also got the yates catapillar spray and I'm not sure if thats doing the trick either. I'm still losing pods!!!!!
If u find another grub keep it in what it's eating put in jar with a few holes c what it turns into, I should of done it but I chopped it up lol

Today's hangover on a scale from 1 to 10 is a 12
Hey, last night while you were sloshed... do you remember putting on a wig, calling yourself Sue, and offering to take Moo to a cottage somewhere and giving him a "massage"....? :rofl:
Yeah I'm just leaving the cottage now , can't find me stiletto

Can any 1 I'd this plant

No colour to the pods, shud b a black stinger but the pods just keep growing


Found this bugger in a scorp
Where are you at Benji?

Here ya go, Kev.....


Whacked a big dirty stake in the ground and tied 'im up but we'll see how the old boy goes tonight when things are supposed to intensify.

Time to go bring some of the pots in...........
I'm at Forest Lake in Brisbane, we still havent seen the worst of it yet. Up North has had a belting with 5 Tornadoes around Bundaberg and another unconfirmed at the Sunny Coast
More piccies for ya Kev: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/21897-winter-summer-in-oz-comparison-aussie-blabberers/page__st__4780__gopid__770087#entry770087

We're on tornado alert down here too aren't we? (Whatever that means?? How foreign!). If a tornado comes and sucks up my plants, I'm gonna be pissed!
More piccies for ya Kev: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/21897-winter-summer-in-oz-comparison-aussie-blabberers/page__st__4780__gopid__770087#entry770087

We're on tornado alert down here too aren't we? (Whatever that means?? How foreign!). If a tornado comes and sucks up my plants, I'm gonna be pissed!
M8 I hope u save them, seen ur rescue mission , I have a vision of u in the carport with a torch and hugging ur favorite plant (I wud 2 ) . Women and children first sod that get out there and save the crop lol

Good luck sue is here 4 u
Ok seems using a blow vac to suck up fallen pods seems to weponize it, a few butch t's up it and I'm coughing and spluttering and where I had the bag against my legs is on fire :fire:
Thats the most awesomest thing I've ever heard! :rofl:
M8 if I ever get an intruder ill just set it to blow , douglah in the face wud kain!!! Lol. Do u think it wud be cruel to go up and down the street and rub moruga on car door handles :), powder down in an aircon unit lol!:)

M8 seen ur yellow 7 looks like its on roids it's huge , are u using Chilli performance drugs , u shud call that plant lance

Just thinking throw powder at a multi nova operator! Lol take a photo of this
Hey guys, need some more advice as usual! The seeds I started off last week in the jiffy pellets have started to sprout! Is it ok to leave them until they all pop up? Or best to transplant them as soon as they start? Also what's a good seed raising mix to get them going?
Depends on what I"m doing but if I can I like to get them into their home as soon as I know they are sprouting. less chance of transplant shock, but at the same time our sun can be pretty harsh for the young ones.
But if I'm starting things up in winter to get a head start on the season that isn't really possible.
Some people like to get fancy soil from special soil places but I just get Osmocote premium potting mix from bunnings and that seems to do the trick for my soil chilies. any five star potting mix from bunnings would be ok I would think.
The osmocote stuff drains very well and still seems to stay moist for a long time.

my moruga is ripening up!!

My Brain strains are making a good start!! looking very mean from a young age!
