How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Said it once say it again don't over love give them a chance !

I've really neglected mine the last few weeks,been busy and grubbed out! But here a few shots
Fg mustard



Pot pimenta

i dont think its over nutes i rarely fertilise them. when i do its with half strength.

the pods dont come, flower opens no pollen, then just falls off, the petals dont even go brown and droopy
i dont think its over nutes i rarely fertilise them. when i do its with half strength.

the pods dont come, flower opens no pollen, then just falls off, the petals dont even go brown and droopy
Any pics ? Sounds more like a sun and temp issue , pull one out check the roots
What Kev said +1

Flower drop is usually because of heat. It can happen if the pots themselves are in full sun or sitting on hot paving, and the root zone heats up. Or it can be just because of non pollination. Rarely happens outside though with wind and bugs.

I copied this from a different site

Flower drop probable causes

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention.

I also found mention of potassium deficiency, but you have fed them so its not that. In my experience chilli plants only get deficiency symptoms in extreme cases.
Ok moths getting out of hand will fly spray damage the plants?
I wouldn't have a clue? I think a surface spray of some sort is needed but I just dont know weather thats safe for us or the plant.
I lost it a bit and stripped almost every plant I have of chilies and even ripped a few out and took off their pods and gave them away. Hopefully now I can get back on top of the grubs, on all my plants I've sprayed that beat a bug garlic spray and on the plants with no pods I sprayed some stuff called confidor..seems pretty toxic so I didnt want to spray it on anything with pods on it. Hopefully doing that and going heavy with that garlic spray will help me keep on top of them.
I've also sent an email to the deparment of agriculture with pictures to help idenitfy this grub and also asked for help on how to control them. Will post results when they get back to me.

Oh yeah my outdoor carolina reaper is pretty much dead...I must have had it planted too deep in the expanded clay and the base pretty much rotted out from under it, that or the heavy winds cracked the stalk at the base and then it rotted...I dont know...but now I'm worried about my brain strain suffering the same fate.
I wouldn't fly spray the plants. You'll only kill all the good bugs and more bad bugs will then come in to cause damage.

Where are the moths coming from? Maybe get one of those purple light bug zapper lamps and try to take them out that way?

Used confidor on some basil that had aphids a few years ago. Couldn't bring myself to eat it after that.
I wouldn't fly spray the plants. You'll only kill all the good bugs and more bad bugs will then come in to cause damage.

Where are the moths coming from? Maybe get one of those purple light bug zapper lamps and try to take them out that way?

Used confidor on some basil that had aphids a few years ago. Couldn't bring myself to eat it after that.
yeah I'm with you on that! I think its pretty toxic...I think for chilies there is a 7 day waiting period if you've sprayed the actual pods, but I would still worry. I'm not tooo worried since I only sprayed it on plants with no pods.
I got the reply from the dep of ag!

Seems like cloth might be the way to go!

Sceliodes cordalis, the eggfruit caterpillar. Gets in Solanums (chillies, tomatoes, eggplants, capsicums & other &hellip; )
Hard to control because the adult lays eggs which get into the (usually green) fruit and damage before the grower knows it is infested.
Chemicals cant control this unless you aim at the adults which usually lay at night. You can cover chillies in muslin or the like &hellip;

the chemicals he suggests are

permethrin , pyrethrin or cyfluthrin..

the more I think about it the more I think cloth is not very reasonable! would have to make frames because I think any type of cloth would damage new growth.

I better look further into those chemicals
Do any Perth folk want to buy some chilli plants. I've got all sorts. Jalapeños, Fatalii, TSMB, Bhut to name a few. $10-$20. All fully established and full of pods. I've had to dig up a section of my garden to make way for a shed. I'll post pics later
Hey guys,

Just curious - those of you with plants in pots. What's your fertalising regime?

I noticed that mine started taking off once I gave them seasol and powerfeed once per week, but I'm not getting a huge deal of flowers and the pods are pretty slow to grow.
Hey guys,

Just curious - those of you with plants in pots. What's your fertalising regime?

I noticed that mine started taking off once I gave them seasol and powerfeed once per week, but I'm not getting a huge deal of flowers and the pods are pretty slow to grow.
If you have nice soil you probably don't even need to feed that often. Perhaps you need to make your next feed one with potassium to help with flowering. I'm no expert, I'm growing Hydroponicly and i managed to stuff that up! Back on track now though
I've killed about 12 egg fruit moths tonight. None of them were on my chilies. I've been spraying my bug spray with pyrethum on my chilies and since I stripped all my pods I may have broken the cycle a bit. I dont feel like I have much hope once my pods come back, because they are hanging around my pumpkin vines and rockemelons. Maybe I'll spray those too.
I've killed about 12 egg fruit moths tonight. None of them were on my chilies. I've been spraying my bug spray with pyrethum on my chilies and since I stripped all my pods I may have broken the cycle a bit. I dont feel like I have much hope once my pods come back, because they are hanging around my pumpkin vines and rockemelons. Maybe I'll spray those too.

Are they easy to see? Do they all fly up when you disturb the bush, or are they hanging around light globes etc? I'm thinking I should get out at night with some pyrethrum and see what's going on.
Yes easy to see if you've got some light around. I've got a powerfull head lamp so as I'm walking around I can see them flying about. I dont often catch them actually in the bushes but just doing laps in the backyard.
I usually do give each bush a shake to make sure none are just sitting in there only ever had a few come out.
I do go out there every night to top up my reservoirs so while I'm out there I'm always looking for the moths. I've never seen any during the day. So if I was you I would def go out at night and spray some pyrethrum around.

I'm just starting to get a few pods(would be a ton more if it wasn't for this heat and my lack of knowledge on nutrients) here and there after my big clean out so I'm going to spray some dipel aswell to hopefully kill the grubs as they burrow in. I guess it will mean I still lose that pod but I want to keep the cycle broken as long as possible.