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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Yes up until recently i had just been topping up with nutrients but as I've been discovering over a couple of seasons it creates imbalances! So from now on I'll just completely change the reservoir water. I dont know that I'll do it every two weeks. I have pretty big reservoirs so I might go monthly or more, depending on what the plants are doing.
Right now all my chilies are going nuts! So much growth and pods coming through! Wish I had been flushing the reservoirs completely months and months ago.

I tend to find about a month is all i can go until they look like they really need a change.
I don't know how big your reseviors are but I have 2 70ltr tanks connected to my channel with about 6 plants and they will use up all the nutes in 2 weeks max during summer/fruiting stage.
Also I have found during the cooler months and also after winter I will do a water flush out with diluted Hydrogen Peroxide to keep away any bacterial diseases and also mould from forming.

Happy Chilli Growing,
That is the reason i no longer care for soil gardening...

mucking around with nutrients etc.

My aquaponic veggies are going crazy....im running a 800litre fish tank soon to be stocked with trout. the growth was crazy and no worries about nutriets.

Once a month i put a capful of seasol in. and a few mg of Iron.

Also my 7yellow brains are also about to ripen, will be my first superhot.
Hi all
I had been pretty lucky with grubs and aphids until now.I noticed some tiny ants around and realized they were setting up there aphid farm.At a closer look they were after a bumper crop,but i hit them with water then soapy water then chilli garlic spray and ants aphids gone for now.It was just a matter of time before they came i suppose.I was going to post some pics but cant work it out yet.
Hi all
I had been pretty lucky with grubs and aphids until now.I noticed some tiny ants around and realized they were setting up there aphid farm.At a closer look they were after a bumper crop,but i hit them with water then soapy water then chilli garlic spray and ants aphids gone for now.It was just a matter of time before they came i suppose.I was going to post some pics but cant work it out yet.

'Tis the season for aphids. Here in Brissy we have plenty of predators (predator wasps, ladybugs, etc) in spring/summer to keep 'em bay but as it gets cooler, all the good guys seem to disappear... and subsequently the aphids rule until the next spring arrives.

The best form of control I have found against them is trap plants--or rather, trap weeds. Don't know what type of weed it is but the aphids just love it so I leave it grow during winter. The aphids generally choose it over the chillies (although some still make it to the chillies), which in itself is enough control, but it's also good to nuke 'em while they're on the trap plant once every now again when the numbers start getting high. They don't call 'em trap plants for nothing. ;)

Probably not a good idea to introduce new weeds into the garden :lol: but roses should work. From what I've heard, roses are aphids most favouritest host. Dunno though, it might depend on the type of aphid... and I guess the ant plays a significant factor too!
I have a rose, i cut it down to 3 cm short cause of the amount of aphids on it >< but now my chillies were getting slammed.

I have a huge cayenne plant full of green chillis, so instead of keep spraying it with poison i just pulled all the leaves off...

No more aphids, the chillis are still growing nicely and its growing fresh clean leaves out :)
I have a hibiscus out the front of my house and that thing is FULL of aphids! jam packed full! aphids love it! I dont really get any aphids on my chilies...occasionally I do but not for any length of time and I dont really do anything about them.
I think those aphids prefer the hibiscus over my chilies
Except for the bloody grubs its all going well! I did everything I could to get rid of them but it hasn't worked! I stripped everything a month or two ago. Sprayed pyrethum on everything and di pel when pods came out and that still didn't stop them!
I guess the only other solution might be netting of some sort. which would be a major pain in the ass.

My brain strains

My outdoor reapers
my brain strain is similar to yours :) finally fruited after all season waiting :)

Got my first pod off it on the weekend. was too keen so i pulled it off when i t was still orange with a tinge of green.

I rekon it will get hotter once it ripens. but damn its already hot and the smell is incredible.

I have what looks like some butch t's ripening up now !!
These are the two plants i scored from lavatung last month.

Last Month



Hi ppl thought I'd poke my head in :) the grubs stole my passion !!! Chris look good but to little to late you will need heat and lights , weather has gone to crook ill post some picks of the 8 footers I choped , coming back but meh lol :beer:
For some reason my plants seem to like the current weather. I don't understand it, but i went outside today and the pods on the yellow 7 pot are double the size...In two days. This makes no sense to me, but i will not look a gift horse in the mouth.
My cayennes/brain strain/bhut/butch t all flowering and putting out pods now...

Problem is everyone i open even before they are ripe has a fken caterpillar in it ><
yeah those damn grubs really have hit hard this year! I grew a few chilies last year but never had grubs like this!
Although now the weather is cooler I'm not seeing any moths anymore, the grubs I have I think were layed some time ago
Super David said:
yeah those damn grubs really have hit hard this year! I grew a few chilies last year but never had grubs like this!
Although now the weather is cooler I'm not seeing any moths anymore, the grubs I have I think were layed some time ago
Yep Grubs pretty much all gone!

picked 1.5kg of chilies today and not one grub was in there!
Combination of Aji Panca, Aji Limon, Brain strain, red rocotto, super chili and Jamaicans. Most of it was Aji Pancas. I've chopped them all up and I'm going to pickle them all!


how annoying...dont seem to be able to make images come straight up..
Super David said:
Yep Grubs pretty much all gone!

picked 1.5kg of chilies today and not one grub was in there!
Combination of Aji Panca, Aji Limon, Brain strain, red rocotto, super chili and Jamaicans. Most of it was Aji Pancas. I've chopped them all up and I'm going to pickle them all!


how annoying...dont seem to be able to make images come straight up..
Nice Aji Pancas they look great! I couldn't get mine to sprout this year. My grubs are almost all gone too, but most of the plants are dropping leaves and/or producing small pods.

Are you using the IMG link? that should make the picture appear in the post... or has photobucket changed itself again?
megamoo said:
Nice Aji Pancas they look great! I couldn't get mine to sprout this year. My grubs are almost all gone too, but most of the plants are dropping leaves and/or producing small pods.

Are you using the IMG link? that should make the picture appear in the post... or has photobucket changed itself again?
used the img link but it came up with url link instead. Changed it to img manually and I think it said not allowed on this forum or un recognised or something.

I've got some seeds to send you for next season!! I'll get to it sometime...before spring hopefully!
is it too early to start seeds for next season already?? I put a few in 2 weeks ago and they've sprouted! I was expecting it to take a month or two from what I've read about these superhot seeds (it's my first time growing superhots from seed) so was pleasantly surprised. I'll have to leave them outside though and look to bring them in overnight when (if?) it starts to get too cold at night. When do you all start your seeds for next season?
Also do pods take longer to ripen around late autumn?? I've got some choc bhut jolokias that have been on the plant for over 4 weeks with nothing yet and some tiny habanero pods that don't seem to be growing much at all anymore...