How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

So how did you all fair through the hot weather of last week?

I managed to get all my new plants potted out and they seem to be loving their new digs. All except one of the Bhut Jolokias, it appears to be getting a little scorched. With the high winds and temps of the last couple of weeks they were looking a little poorly but have rebounded well after the potting up.

Scorched and distorted leaves on the BJ.

Group 1.

Group 2.


Chocolate Brainstrain


Scotch bonnet


Lemon Drop.


7 Pot Jonah


Peter Pepper


Burmese Heritage? more pods ripening.




I'm seeing little change over the past 2-3 weeks.  I must be doing something intrinsically wrong as my plants seem healthy enough until they get to about 50-60 cm tall, nice forks, plenty of decent leaves, lots of flowers....
Then BANG... flowers drop off continuously... the lower, bigger leaves turn yellow and drop off.  Then I'm left with a plant that has nice growth up top, grows some more leaves, then repeats the cycle of flowers dropping and some leaves yellow then fall.
To mix things up, I've moved some to the front of the house so they get all morning sun only (after midday they are in shade).  Wondering if the heat out back in the afternoon sun is causing the flower drop?  Waiting to see what happens as the temperatures even out.  I'm sure this constant 28-30 then 38-40, then back down to 28-30 cant be good for them.
My chocolate habanero is looking nice and healthy - it was a slow starter - so I'm really hopeful that it will set some pods.
I have 2 x Fatali and 1 x Douglah, that while small, they did set pods before I potted them up, so in fear I might not get to eat a fresh superhot this year, I've let them grow the pods rather than pinching them off.  The plants are not growing as all the energy is growing the pods (as expected) but I'm cool with that as I want to have at least one of each chilli to eat. 
So in summary: Becoming a little disheartened, but hanging in there and hoping for the best.  Will probably post some photos next weekend.
Rainman said:
I'm seeing little change over the past 2-3 weeks.  I must be doing something intrinsically wrong as my plants seem healthy enough until they get to about 50-60 cm tall, nice forks, plenty of decent leaves, lots of flowers....
Then BANG... flowers drop off continuously... the lower, bigger leaves turn yellow and drop off.  Then I'm left with a plant that has nice growth up top, grows some more leaves, then repeats the cycle of flowers dropping and some leaves yellow then fall.
To mix things up, I've moved some to the front of the house so they get all morning sun only (after midday they are in shade).  Wondering if the heat out back in the afternoon sun is causing the flower drop?  Waiting to see what happens as the temperatures even out.  I'm sure this constant 28-30 then 38-40, then back down to 28-30 cant be good for them.
My chocolate habanero is looking nice and healthy - it was a slow starter - so I'm really hopeful that it will set some pods.
I have 2 x Fatali and 1 x Douglah, that while small, they did set pods before I potted them up, so in fear I might not get to eat a fresh superhot this year, I've let them grow the pods rather than pinching them off.  The plants are not growing as all the energy is growing the pods (as expected) but I'm cool with that as I want to have at least one of each chilli to eat. 
So in summary: Becoming a little disheartened, but hanging in there and hoping for the best.  Will probably post some photos next weekend.
While I'm still getting flower drop on my plants in wine barrels, they are haning onto more pods than my normal potted chilies.  
I'm starting to think its very important to let the chili spread its roots as much as they can and to also keep the root temperature down.
The difference between my half wine barrel chilies and my pot chilies even though they are in big pots is massive.
Super David said:
While I'm still getting flower drop on my plants in wine barrels, they are haning onto more pods than my normal potted chilies.  
I'm starting to think its very important to let the chili spread its roots as much as they can and to also keep the root temperature down.
The difference between my half wine barrel chilies and my pot chilies even though they are in big pots is massive.
I'm sure the wine barrel plants will have a bigger root ball which would help, but I think you hit the nail on the head with soil temp.  The bigger barrel is better at keeping the soil cooler I expect, Its something I wondered about when I last potted-up - the soil was rather warm to the touch (it was during the heat wave mind you). So I've got a few plants in the front now where its cooler, will see if it makes a difference.
That being said, the front garden has got shit loads of other plants that the landlady added years ago and they have spread aphids to my chillies.  The back garden is more sparse when it comes to other plants.  They got squished and a big spray of pesticide  Argh, the crux of renting... poor garden layouts.
During this time of summer they don't put on lots of growth.  They mostly try to survive the heat.  Once it starts cooling down they will grow more.  Autumn is the big harvest time. 
All my problems with blossom end rot and mites are getting me down too. I've still got a lot of seedlings that need to be put in the ground, but first I've got to rip up grass and prepare the bed etc.
Moo, are mites the little white/green things that sit on the underside of leaves? I am getting a few of those. They aren't aphids... rounder than those.

Rainman, what colour are your pots? It doesn't get super hot on my balcony but I reckon the black ones get hotter.
I'm having a lot of similar issues to you this season (my second); however, Megamoo is right - I remember this time last year my plants were doing nothing. I was posting here constantly about it. Then, the heat drops a bit and WHAM - off they go.
megamoo said:
During this time of summer they don't put on lots of growth.  They mostly try to survive the heat.  Once it starts cooling down they will grow more.  Autumn is the big harvest time. 
All my problems with blossom end rot and mites are getting me down too. I've still got a lot of seedlings that need to be put in the ground, but first I've got to rip up grass and prepare the bed etc.
Sorry to hear the BER is ruining your harvests Moo,  that must be soul destroying man.  The harvest pics on your glog look great, but it would drive me mad if they could not be eaten.
nemspy said:
Moo, are mites the little white/green things that sit on the underside of leaves? I am getting a few of those. They aren't aphids... rounder than those.

Rainman, what colour are your pots? It doesn't get super hot on my balcony but I reckon the black ones get hotter.
I'm having a lot of similar issues to you this season (my second); however, Megamoo is right - I remember this time last year my plants were doing nothing. I was posting here constantly about it. Then, the heat drops a bit and WHAM - off they go.
My pots are mostly black and grey.  All purchased before I found this forum, and I wish that I got them in a pale colour.   
Its reassuring to hear that things might pick up as the heat drops in Autumn.  I really love the hot weather 35-36 is just right for me, but for the sake of the plants I'm really hoping that Feb is a consistent 30-32, but I doubt I should be so lucky.
OK time to get ready for work...
nemspy said:
Moo, are mites the little white/green things that sit on the underside of leaves? I am getting a few of those. They aren't aphids... rounder than those.

Rainman, what colour are your pots? It doesn't get super hot on my balcony but I reckon the black ones get hotter.
I'm having a lot of similar issues to you this season (my second); however, Megamoo is right - I remember this time last year my plants were doing nothing. I was posting here constantly about it. Then, the heat drops a bit and WHAM - off they go.
I don't think so.  Take a photo if you can.  Mites are too small to see so you've probably got something else.  Aphids can come in different sizes and colours.
Like Moo said during summer it gets pretty hot and the plants will slow down alot, specially if they are in pots.
we are really only trying to keep the alive and kicking for when the cooler months kick in.
The weather has cooled down a bit at the moment and you might see some growth come on them with the cooler nights.
Summer always tests us but we seem to come back for more punishment, that's part of Chilli growing.
My pots have slowed right down too but now alot of my plants have been devoed by rats and huge Grasshoppers.
They came through and devoured alot of Chilli/plants! I will post some picks sometime.
Ahhh the fun!
Micca302 said:
Like Moo said during summer it gets pretty hot and the plants will slow down alot, specially if they are in pots.
we are really only trying to keep the alive and kicking for when the cooler months kick in.
The weather has cooled down a bit at the moment and you might see some growth come on them with the cooler nights.
Summer always tests us but we seem to come back for more punishment, that's part of Chilli growing.
My pots have slowed right down too but now alot of my plants have been devoed by rats and huge Grasshoppers.
They came through and devoured alot of Chilli/plants! I will post some picks sometime.
Ahhh the fun!
Rats and grasshoppers - that's not cool.  One of my plants had baby grasshoppers on it and signs of some munching going on.  I might move the plants with pods into the shade house to provide some protection from the bugs.
Sadly, one Butch T seems to be sick and is slowly turning into a collection of sticks. Ironically, it started out as my healthiest looking plant...  I've separated it from the rest and will probably plant it in the ground to see if it can pull through when the weather cools down.
My faith in my plants is somewhat renewed after reading the replies of Moo, nempsy and Micca :) Cheers fellas, as this is my first season I'm just a little anxious about it!
WARNING some viewers may find the following pictures disturbing WARNING
Plant cruelity at it's best!


And here are some of the thugs responsible

Been also getting the huge Green ones too. The Green ones are the ones I have found munching on them but i'm sure the brown do too.
Effective sprays are hard to come by for these buggers too but will have to do something.
Micca that is insane! Best of luck keeping them under control.  Not sure I would even like to pick something that big up.
Yeah I'd get a shade cloth tent going for the plants, I dont see how you can spray to keep something that big off the plants, it would snap some of mine just by landing on them!
That's pretty damn big! 
I've seen a few of these around my yard, about half that size though.  The other day I also noticed a couple of willy wagtails on the fence.  They were hopping along, then swooping down to get something and flying back up.  Were at it for a while.  Those bugs would be quite the tasty morsel.  Nature taking care of itself.
The thugs are definately bloody huge. If get hold of them i might just find out what deep fried grasshopper is like :surprised:
 Hey Mega I might need to borrow those willy wagtails I need something quick.
I did a sparay given on a garden forum of Habanero tabasco sauce/garlic and water. Apparently Grasshoppers hate the smell of garlic.
I came out this morning to mass devistation with quite a few that had been attacked. So much for that spray!
There was a spray I brought but when i looked under the peel off label at the instructions it said not to be used on food producing plants.
Any of you guys pickle your chillies? I've been looking for brining salt everywhere and can't find any, what could I use instead? Maybe white wine vinegar or similar? I was thinking that would be too bitter though?
Andy21 said:
Any of you guys pickle your chillies? I've been looking for brining salt everywhere and can't find any, what could I use instead? Maybe white wine vinegar or similar? I was thinking that would be too bitter though?
I pickle mine but I just went for straight vinegar. After that I used the vinegar to make sauce