How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Thanks, I've put a fair bit of work into it tbh.  I had to cut a hold in the side of the garage (saw through metal) to run the tubing into there as I wanted the reservoir out of the heat and it gives me a place to work on my nutrient blends, pH balancing etc.  
Your gigantic Aji Largo plant was my main inspiration for my foray into hydro, so ty for that post!
Peach Ghost - seeds from Micca.
Loaded with really interesting pod shapes and sizes, every one looks different.
Colour of the first pod that is ripening is quite a dark peach colour?
Rainman said:
Having a surprisingly good time of growing this year.  The plants I thought I'd lost during the 40+ heat the other week are now in hydro and bouncing back very strongly.  It was working so well that I built some more ebb/flow modules and retired the Mark 1 system I built as a trial. Here's a pic of my current set-up out back.  Next season I'll run all 9 modules, probably all ebb/flow rather than some DWC like I have here.

The plants on the end are overcoming some fert burn issues and there is also a black tomato in there, which I am regretting as its not doing much tbh. 
A closer short of my three best plants that were saved from near death (left to right Orange Hab, Fatallii and Yellow Bhut) - I think that's what they are anyway because I mixed up labels when they were seedlings so this is my best guess.

I've got pods a plenty on my mexi-belle and scorpion.  Some I think may have cross-polinated with the Red Savina next to it in the yellow planter, but a fair few have their stingers :)


Taken a nice early harvest of Lemon Drops

Well gotta dash out to pick a friend up.  Glad to finally have some positive pics to share this year after some early disappointments.
Cheers. RM 
well well looks like someone has learned a lot from last season :-)
looking fantastic there Mate
Thirdegree said:
Peach Ghost - seeds from Micca.
Loaded with really interesting pod shapes and sizes, every one looks different.
Colour of the first pod that is ripening is quite a dark peach colour?
A great looking plant there Mate. Definitely loaded!
Mmmmm the colour is def darker let us know to what colour it ripens too
That doesn't actually look like a peach ghost scorpion to me, the shape is a bit different and the peach ghost is usually a much lighter green and its a fairly subtle when it changes to the peach colour.
Have to agree with you on that David, doesn't look like any of the pic's that I have seen.
I am 95% sure that I haven't mixed up my seedlings, and I didn't plant anything that it resembles, like a Red Bhut or similar.
The colour is also unusual at this stage, not red, nor yellow, it looks somewhere between apricot and orange.
The size of the pods are also quite large some pushing 5 inches in length and 2 inches wide.  
When it ripens, will post up a pic and give a report on the taste and heat.
will be interesting to see at the end.
Looks different to the plant it came from but you have to remember that the Jays Peach Scorp when they started going around was an f4.
These would be f5 but can take till f7 or more to stabilize
Micca302 said:
will be interesting to see at the end.
Looks different to the plant it came from but you have to remember that the Jays Peach Scorp when they started going around was an f4.
These would be f5 but can take till f7 or more to stabilize
Thats true, I did read that they aren't 100% stable yet. I guess it could come out a mixture of any of the crosses that made it in the first place.  They still look very hot
I was hoping they would come out the same as it was grown at my old work and was the only plant flowering/fruiting(isolated). looks like some more growing of this variety and saving of the right Pheno is in order.
The original seeds came from Wildfire. I had my plant that turned out excellent and gave another plant to a mate from the same packet of seeds.
His turned out orange with a hab/7-pod look? I usually don't get into the unstable crosses but this one looked soooo cool I couldn't help myself :P
Ripped the first ripe pod off last night, it changed colour to an orange/red shade, not sure if it would further ripen to bright red, but was eager to taste.
Heat level was around the same as the Fatalii's I have been growing this year, very hot, hotter than a standard Habanero, but not life threatening like the 7 Pod Jonah's from last year. As this was the first to ripen, would think that they will only increase in heat level over time. 
Flavour was really nice, definite Chinense taste and aroma, but not overbearing, was quite sweet and fruity, not a strong citrus flavours like the Fatalii, no floral or bitter after taste, quite fleshy walled, maybe twice that of the 7PJ and Fatalii.
It really reminded me of the 7PJ taste without the killer heat. I really like this one, regardless of growing to spec, this one will be enjoyed.
PS. The Carolina Reapers seeds I got from you are growing to spec - they are starting to look so evil. Will post pics when they start to colour.
Thanks for the info Mate. A bit of a shame it hasn't gone true to form but from what you describe it will be a real good one.
The Jonahs are one of my favs for taste so if this has that flavour without the heat it will be yummy. Great producer too.
Watch out for those Reapers Mate they will hit you around the head with a baseball bat when you are not looking :twisted:
Good luck,
Carolina Reapers ( Thanks Micca ) starting to throw some Evil looking Pods - Hideously ugly in a beautiful way.

Starting to get a few pods happening.
Not sure what type of Chilli this one is, some Thai strain?? Any Ideas??
Got seeds from one of my wife's friend.
Great producer, excellent flavour and a fair heat kick - probably the hottest Thai type chilli I have grown.
Mate those Reapers really are looking evil :twisted: . Watch out and don't turn your back on them or they will hit you over the head with a baseball bat :mouthonfire:
The chilli below the Reapers look like a yatsufusa pepper but could be wrong the Chinenses are my specialty.
Nice harvest there too Mate
Reapers look amazing. Any chance of getting some of those seeds off of you? Im sure the reapers I bought from Wildfire are actually TS seeds.
Hi Pinhigh nice to see a newbie on board.
How about telling us a bit about yourself, are you just starting in the world of growing Chilli or have you been growing for a while etc etc?
I'm assuming you are from Perth and like spicy hot food?
Unfortunately we have been finding a few of Wildfire Chilli plants have not been turning out what they are supposed to be but if you haven't tried the Scorpions before they are pretty wicked and HOT.
Micca302 said:
Hi Pinhigh nice to see a newbie on board.
How about telling us a bit about yourself, are you just starting in the world of growing Chilli or have you been growing for a while etc etc?
I'm assuming you are from Perth and like spicy hot food?
Unfortunately we have been finding a few of Wildfire Chilli plants have not been turning out what they are supposed to be but if you haven't tried the Scorpions before they are pretty wicked and HOT.
Long time reader, first time posting.
I live NOR Perth. Not new to growing chillis, have been growing for a number of years now. Also grow a few types of tomatoes and citrus. All soil based grows, however with the help of Super David I will be getting some hyrdo grows going soon.
Like most people on here I am fairly OCD!!!
Current chilli grow list:
Jonah 7 Pot
Choc 7 Pot
Butch T
Reaper (possibly a TS)
Purple Bhut
White Bhut
Choc Naga
Trinidad Morango
Pimenta de neyde
Jays peach scorpion
Rocoto Largo
Choc Brain strain
Red Moruga
Jimmy Nardello
Black Pearl
Dorset Naga
Choc 7 pot Bonchi
Reaper Bonchi
Also have some seeds that I may plant even though its late and see if I can get them to a stage where they can be OW'd. They include:
Naga King
Thai Dragon
Fish Pepper
Bishops Crown
Devils Brain
Devils Horns
Aji Pinapple
List seems a lot longer than I remember!!!!
Hello Pinhigh,
Awesome grow list you have going. 
Should have plenty of ripened pods in a couple of weeks, another week after that, the seeds should be dried.
More than happy to pass some your way when ready.
Great list happening there Pinhigh :cool: .
Nice to see more Perth people getting bit by the Chilli bug! I see you have some HOT ones too.
Hey if you get a chance post a piccy of your so called Reaper pod and someone might be able to help id it(plus I love looking at pod piccies).
Great to see Thirdegree helping you out :cool: . I have some open pollenated Red Brain Strains and a few others if u ever feel the need to expand.
Micca302 said:
Great list happening there Pinhigh :cool: .
Nice to see more Perth people getting bit by the Chilli bug! I see you have some HOT ones too.
Hey if you get a chance post a piccy of your so called Reaper pod and someone might be able to help id it(plus I love looking at pod piccies).
Great to see Thirdegree helping you out :cool: . I have some open pollenated Red Brain Strains and a few others if u ever feel the need to expand.
Thanks Micca
Here is a pic of an early pod on one of my "reaper" plants. This plant is on the opposite side of the house to all the other plants, so i seriously doubt would have crossed with anything. Still looks a bit more like a TS to me.