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How stupid?

I've seen some truly hideous things in my work as data recoverer - I pass all the info straight onto the task force along with all their personal details. One was even a DJ at school discos.
Lock them up & throw away the key
willard3 said:
Are we paying the police to visit these internet sites and entrap citizens?

Why? ........ They got no murders to solve?

I'm thinkin the cops are about the same as the offenders......let's entrap them (the cops).

I hear you. Some people are drawn into situations that would never occur in reality.

When I first hit puberty, I did some wierd stuff. (none of it illegal)I can't imagine if my sex drive had maintained that level of control over my life. It seriously would have been a handicap.

Don't get me wrong, I too would waste no time in torturing the sick bastard that molested my daughter, but the male sex drive is a (barely) guided missile.

I also understand that those that were abused themselves, might be entitled to a little understanding, if not forgiveness.
Philipperv said:
As long as the justice is meted out equally to the pedophile teachers. I'm still boiling from the various female teachers that they previously let off with a slap on the wrist.

I agree 100%. Teachers are in a unique position of trust and power. Teenagers are at an emotional stage of trying to separate from their parents, and are actually quite vulnerable and easy to manipulate. For a teacher to abuse their position by seducing a student is a gross violation that should be punished swiftly and harshly. And that is whether the student is a male or a female.
Txclosetgrower said:
What gets me is that they play the 16 year old boy as the victim. I was a 16yr old boy once. And trust me, at that age, if it moves you wanna bang it. So I have a hard time believing anything was forced upon those kids.

In most cases, the only crime is that the kid banged a hideous teacher.

So, you'd have been ok with your gym teacher Mr. Smith fondling you in the shower? I mean, you were a horny teenage guy, right? So, as long as you got off, no harm done, right?
Pam said:
So, you'd have been ok with your gym teacher Mr. Smith fondling you in the shower? I mean, you were a horny teenage guy, right? So, as long as you got off, no harm done, right?

No, you probably would have read about a school shooting in TX if that happened. Now if it were the volleyball coach.......;)

Lol I should have said "if it moves and has tits".........although I guess that probably wouldn't rule out Mr. Smith either :lol:
Philipperv said:
As long as the justice is meted out equally to the pedophile teachers. I'm still boiling from the various female teachers that they previously let off with a slap on the wrist.

Unfortunately, Florida seems to have more than it's fair share of female teachers that do things like this, but sadly it really seems that only the better looking ones get off easy. Seriously, they were talking about that on all the news stations here during the Debra Lefave trial.