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How to break a t5 fixture

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Yeah dude... that would be unethical in my opinion, and probably illegal.

You should just be honest and tell them it isnt exactly what you wanted.... they might let you get a refund or replacement, if you ship it back to them.
or try to move something one way a few more inches and make it fit . it must fit length wise you know it was 4' long at least . can't be much wider than my 4 bulb fixture . you know might be telling you something . you might need the lumens for your crop !   :onfire:
Back over it with your car or hit it with a sledgehammer and say it was like that when you got it.  Return that shit and come to Lowes (you can return special orders here :) )
If it has a wide reflector, you can take that off and just use the rectangular housing.  Remove the bulbs, look for a little twist/spring connector holding the reflector in place. 
If that doesn't work, I'm of the Craig'sList it, get what you can....
Fraud, illegal, browbeating.
A think a public lynching is in order....
Kind of ridiculous. I wouldn't frequent a store with a return policy like that. There isn't a person in this thread who hasen't purchased something, only to get home and realize some basic error they made. Trying to damage it leaves it to the discretion of the manufacturer. The only lesson here is that some stores have a shitty return policy, and refer to basic customer service for any company with more than one location as "special order". The mistake is yours, but unless you've rendered the product unsellable, they should take it back.
I bought a pair of work boots from Walmart when I was a teenager. Returned them every year for a new pair for around 4 years, the last pair I gave away. What sort of prison sentence will that get me?
Wow...I didn't expect quite this volume of response.  :rolleyes:  I'm getting a lot of grief for asking about how to break the fixture, but remember, the store manager actually told me to do this.  He actually felt pretty bad that they couldn't take the light back, but the company policy said no.  So he told me to break the light, then bring it back for a refund.  He was trying his best to give me the best customer service he could, without losing his job. 
Anyway, to put this beast to bed, I think the CraigsList route is the way to go here.  A lot easier, no chance on setting the house on fire, my consensus will feel better, and I'll make most of my money back (hopefully)
I would fire my employee if he said something like that, just saying.

Put it online for 20% more than you paid for it. Mention the specs like colour, wattage, etc. Also mention that it is Brand New and that it excels in vegatative growth and that it's the best start to generous blooming and an abundant harvest. There has to be some whisky tango naieve enough to buy it.
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