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how to dry peppers

can anyone tell me how to dry my peppers for later, also some of my plants look like the leaves have been burned, brown and drying up, am i doing something wrong?
plenty of topics about this on this forum.
dehydrator is the best choice IMO, oven, open air dry.
those are your choices unless a new way has been invented :rolleyes:
mjflemjr said:
can anyone tell me how to dry my peppers for later, also some of my plants look like the leaves have been burned, brown and drying up, am i doing something wrong?

chilehunter is spot on dehydrator is great idea,you can air dry,make ristas,freeze them make powders sauces etc and there some great articles in the threads..as for the drying browning..where you from,just sounds like its the end of the season and like trees or plants they closing down for winter..are they inside and burned..but more info be great :rolleyes:
dehydrator, and, as the others have said, try the search function as this has been discussed plenty, in fact there are several current threads discussing drying and dehydrator usage

welcome to THP
Are the plants outside? Water is the obvious question. Too little, or in extreme cases, too much can cause browning.

Too much fertilizer can burn the leaves.

Need some more info!:)
macmanmatty said:
I agree the dehydrator is the best option. I really like excalibur dehydrators I own a 9 tray model it rocks.:shocked:

I heard AJ has a 44 tray one. Runs it 24/7 and is still behind!

Run with a dehy,,,your options are so open.I`m trying to keep up with mine now doing the same.
I think a dehydrator and coffee grinder is a must for any chili pepper grower. Not far behind is a smoker, though I can get by for now with my grill.

wordwiz said:
I think a dehydrator and coffee grinder is a must for any chili pepper grower. Not far behind is a smoker, though I can get by for now with my grill.



gorbrickon said:
I slice mine in half and put them in a dehydrator.

ditto!!! doing this speeds up the dry time.
wordwiz said:
I heard AJ has a 44 tray one. Runs it 24/7 and is still behind!


:shocked: do they make them ? :shocked:

I have a 9 tray excalibur also and love it...
moyboy said:
I have just started to used a dehydrator and it is the only quick and easy way to go....And then it's not just for chillis either, they make great jerky as well...[/URL]

you got that right!
AlabamaJack said:
:shocked: do they make them ? :shocked:

I have a 9 tray excalibur also and love it...

theres a limit as to how many trays you can use & still be able to dry everything in those trays. the limit might be anywhere 8-10 trays depending on model.
if you really want to you could do that with the nesco brand, just keep stacking the trays then put the fan on top :lol:
my Ultra FD 1000 says it can dry jerky with 30 trays. I've only got 5 trays and I'm undecided whether to ditch it and buy a 8-10 tray square machine (even though they are only 600 watt) or go and buy another 5 (round) trays. the round trays don't matter for drying peppers etc but for jerky shot from a Jerky Cannon it does reduce how much can be processed. I don't know.