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Some cats from next door think my garden is a litterbox (not cool) and the guy three doors down lets his pitbull run around crapping on everything. Dogcatcher said that i would have to be at my house watching the dog dropping a load off and he would then come out. LAZY
Got any ideas
Some cats from next door think my garden is a litterbox (not cool) and the guy three doors down lets his pitbull run around crapping on everything. Dogcatcher said that i would have to be at my house watching the dog dropping a load off and he would then come out. LAZY
Got any ideas
a motion sensor hooked up to a sprinkler works pretty good, plus it is funny to see the cats/dogs reactions to getting spritzed....
You could try peeing in a square around your garden, then defending your territory.

Or go to the animals' owners and say they really need to get the animals checked, as you found them drinking your antifreeze. (Do this portion without any actual antifreeze, of course)
don't you think you should ask a moderator to merge the two threads you have on this subject?
I'm experienced with cats only.
Put some netting on the pot/bed, cats hate to dig through a net.
Plant some nepeta cataria (the real catnip) in a corner to distract them.
The sprinkler is more tricky but works very well.


You could try peeing in a square around your garden, then defending your territory.

Or go to the animals' owners and say they really need to get the animals checked, as you found them drinking your antifreeze. (Do this portion without any actual antifreeze, of course)

Funnier if he poured a jug of green Gatorade on his drive then knocked on his neighbors door while the dog/cat is drinking it..
Taking a picture of the dog taking a dump might help. Are you sure the neighbors even know that their animals are causing you problems? Possibly they don't care because they didn't realize the issue as they don't have someone else's pet damaging their garden.

You might try spreading around coarse mulch or large pieces of eggshell, or a motion activated sprinkler. I wouldn't use a BB gun as you might get into legal trouble and have to foot a vet bill. Maybe one that shoots rubber shot is better.

There are also ready made repellants you can buy, for example:

... your local lawn and garden center may have something too.
Live traps work well. Lay some brush over it after baiting with a sardine. Then carry over in the cage and return it to the owner.
Throw a bunch of dried hot peppers out on the ground. Cats and dogs are sensitive to capsaicin just like we are. Might not work on the big dog though, they can be kinda dumb about stuff like that.
Throw a bunch of dried hot peppers out on the ground. Cats and dogs are sensitive to capsaicin just like we are. Might not work on the big dog though, they can be kinda dumb about stuff like that.

i used tobasco to break my dog of digging in the yard.. i would sprinkle it where she wanted to dig, and she would go to dig, smell the sauce.. think in her little wal-nut sized brain "ooh people food"! and then she would lick it.. and regret the thought of digging.. i only had to do it twice..
Is there a way to make an electrified fence for cheap? Maybe something with a lot of volts, not many amps, so it just stuns and doesn't kill?
a motion sensor hooked up to a sprinkler works pretty good, plus it is funny to see the cats/dogs reactions to getting spritzed....

I hear these work well

I have a big dog that keeps any trouble makers , human and animal away. She gets rewarded with tomatoes for her trouble.