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how to keep pets away?

I have alot of peppers I put in containers over the weekend but the weather is gonna be awful this week (30's to 60's and T Storms) I want to move my young plants to my sunroom but I am afraid my A$%H0Le cat or my two dobermans will tear them to shreds any proven methods to keep them away and my plants safe?
We used hot sauce and chili powder to train the puppy to stay out of the kitchen trash.

No, I didn't rub it on his gums. But I let him smell the hot sauce bottle and he gave it a lick. He did NOT like that. After that, all I had to do was put a couple drops of hot sauce on the trash bag and he didn't go near it.

It's pretty funny now. All I have to do is hold up a woozy bottle and the dog's lip starts curling up in a kind of "EWWWW" expression and he starts backing away.

I've also sprinkled cheap chili powder (like Dollar Store cheap) around things I don't want the cat or dogs to get into. It seems to help. I'd try sprinkling some in the pots so if the cat or dogs come sniffing around to see what the new stuff is they will get a snoutful of spices. It should help deter the cat from thinking they are new potty boxes also.

And depending on your flooring, maybe even sprinkle some all around the plants.

Good Luck~
I tried to put hot sauce as well as chili paste on the bark of my plum tree in the back yard and the goats could care less. Those dirtbags just licked it off and then went about licking their lips! :shocked: I ended up having to put wire mesh around the tree and now it looks as if it is wearing chainmail armor.

If they are to be kept indoors I would definately lock the pets out of the room if that is possible. I would be more worried about my dogs pissing on the pots than eating the leaves! :rolleyes: Then again, I do not have cats so don't have to worry about the pots becoming the new kitty litter spot.
My cat is seriously the biggest prick on the planet, I could just see him doing something to them out of spite. I think he is gonna become an outside cat while the peppers are in the sun porch
If the sun room is a place where you hang out a lot, where you can keep an eye on the babies, then keep a plastic squirt bottle handy and every time the cat looks at one of the plants, squirt him! 'Course, you'll need to keep the door locked when you're not around to keep kitty from exacting his revenge for the water treatment~ :lol:
Something I did this year for my garden outside this year was to get a motion sensing water sprinkler. Neighborhood cats were using my raised beds for litter boxes and I had to do something so my newly planted vegetable seeds were not unceremoniously dug up and peed on. It has been working great, only time I got new paw prints in the dirt was when I forgot to turn it back on. Now if I can only remember to turn it off before walking in front of it...........:censored:
HOH_Virus said:
My cat is seriously the biggest prick on the planet, I could just see him doing something to them out of spite. I think he is gonna become an outside cat while the peppers are in the sun porch

Something to note is that if you can fit say 16 cats in a box alive 56 will fit into the same box if blended. If gaseous then only 0.08 of a cat will fit, just sayin...
Novacastrian said:
Something to note is that if you can fit say 16 cats in a box alive 56 will fit into the same box if blended. If gaseous then only 0.08 of a cat will fit, just sayin...

what is the wall thickness of the box?......... the thicker it is the more pressure it can hold.... so you just might be able to fit a little more than 0.08 cat if you are using a thick box
Nice observation but the gaseous cats in this calculation were unpressurized. However given a set space you could fit twice the amount of cat into the same at 10 meters water depth :D
I have two really big DAWGS ... They're my best buddies , partners in crime ( we do stupid stuff ) , and my guardians. I feel the first part of what MrArboc said is the most important thing .... Obediance training. If they were and they are ..... your children would you let them run wild ?? If so ...
you get what you deserve ....... Teach them simple commands ..... stop or cease is one that is needed at many different times. You have to be smart enough to think ahead of them ... would they chew my boots ..... would they attack that guy next door that makes all those noises ... Work with them constantly and with a positive mind set. Kindness and not Vexness

This subject could go .. on and on ... and part of this was about cats. Cats aren't dogs and they think differently ... you can't train them in the same way. You have think out of the box... So DUCT TAPE or the SPCA works for me when cats at my house won't stay inline. I'm jesting ... I don't have cats.... no need , I have a wife that loves me ..... won't come to me when I call her name .... only sits next to me when she wants to be scratched and is always underfoot when I'm cooking

Good luck & Peace ,
P. Dreadie
P. Dreadie said:
I don't have cats.... no need , I have a wife that loves me ..... won't come to me when I call her name .... only sits next to me when she wants to be scratched and is always underfoot when I'm cooking

Good luck & Peace ,
P. Dreadie

:rofl: That is freakin funny! True...from most of what I hear...but funny!

I am a dog guy myself and my 2 boys are very well trained. It only takes 1 command for them to understand that something is off limits. Cats...not so much. Not really a cat guy. They stop being cute to me when they grow up. JMHO.

Let us know what you decide and how things turn out. ;)
I had a problem last year with my boxer wanting to chew on my pepper plants. Since he will eat anything I give him, I gave him a jalapeno. After he spit out that pepper, he's never even licked the plants. Might not have been the nicest way to do it, but he wont touch my plants.
Cats like to eat grass/plants every once in a while. I know mine is a royal PITA--he's not allowed outside, but he always seems to get his way. The little bastard always seems to outsmart people. Until I found out that if I rip some grass out of the yard and bring it in to him, he'll stop trying to get out the door, either mostly or completely... but that's only a temporary solution. As soon as the grass is gone, or if he *really* wants out (ie. a nice day), he's back in action. The other downside is that, as much as he likes it, it often makes him throw up. Maybe you could use this method to attempt to keep the cat away from your peppers? To be honest though, I wouldn't trust a cat near any plants; it's just too risky. If you can put the plants in a location the cat is unlikely to try to reach (ie. too difficult to get to or away from the cat's points of interest), that might work.

If your cat likes grass, there's so-called "cat grass" (oats) meant for cats (it's supposed to be good for them). I wouldn't grow it where the cat's able to reach though; you'll have a huge mess before the grass is even able to reach one inch tall. But obviously, this is out of the question for now, because it takes about a week to reach a decent height.