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how to make oleoresin capsicum!!!!!!!!!

you take the hottest peppers available, lets just use nagas in our example, and the most concentrated alcohol you can find, lets just say rum, and puree the nagas , place into jar and cover with rum close lid and let sit overnight

habs and vodka might work also but the above example is probably most efficient, you can select which peppers go into the OC extract and make a sauce that is over 1 mil scovilles and ACTUALLY TASTES GOOD!!!
I have found alcohol to be an incredible extractor of pod heat.

Even a 5% ABV beer will extract nearly all of the heat out of a pod in 14 days. I was shocked when 5 gallons of beer extracted enough heat out of 6 orange habs to make all 5 gallons fiery hot. (read IGG's review if you don't believe me)
dreamtheatervt said:
Ethanol is a regulated substance in its pure form, just like many other things you can get in an "impure form" because as a solvent, it can be used to make illegal drugs. Ammonia is the real big one though, lots of meth makers try to steal it from farms. You'd be surprised what all is on the list.
they started adding dye to the ammonia for farms b/c of that, right? i read this story about this huge meth lab in the suburbs that got busted, somehow the neighbors never questioned the massive tank of anhyrdous ammonia in the driveway...

cheezydemon said:
I have found alcohol to be an incredible extractor of pod heat.

Even a 5% ABV beer will extract nearly all of the heat out of a pod in 14 days. I was shocked when 5 gallons of beer extracted enough heat out of 6 orange habs to make all 5 gallons fiery hot. (read IGG's review if you don't believe me)

capsaicin is hydrophobic, its fat and alcohol soluble. also alcohol also affects certain pain nerves making them more sensitive.
Omri said:
So basically beer + peppers = awesome(?).

yuppers, it also explains why drinking water does nothing to help the burn (it just swishes the cap around to more pain nerves) and why milk stops the burn (it acts like a detergent) any fat would help, if you ate lard or drank vegetable oil that would do it (it would just be gross...)
GrumpyBear said:
yuppers, it also explains why drinking water does nothing to help the burn (it just swishes the cap around to more pain nerves) and why milk stops the burn (it acts like a detergent) any fat would help, if you ate lard or drank vegetable oil that would do it (it would just be gross...)
OK... but there's no way I'm eating lard. :oops:
AlabamaJack said:
Agree with Dream on the pure ethanol regulated part...

I bought this bottle of everclear at my local liquor store about 3 months ago...I use it to make "Texas Tea" with..

There is another ethanol product not available to the general public and drinking it, well, do so at your own risk. It is 99.4% alcohol...198.8 proof...

I worked for a time in the early 80s at the University of Florida performing RadioImmunoAssays for Reproductive Physiology studies on Swine and Cattle. The pure ethanol is used as an extract during the process to remove the water from the solutions. It is impossible to get pure 100% ethanol without using an extraction process. I injected some oranges with this stuff and let me tell you....drunk city after two oranges. Then I found out they used Benzene during the extraction process and the pure Ethanol has some of the benzene still in it...that is what the other 0.6% is. Quit using this stuff after I found out about the Benzene (known Carcinogen).

i think the maximum purity of alcohol you can reach with distillation alone is 95%, which is coincedently everclears percentage.
GrumpyBear said:
i think the maximum purity of alcohol you can reach with distillation alone is 95%, which is coincedently everclears percentage.

that is correct if I remember my organic chemistry classes I had in the late 70's...seems that our professor said that making a gallon of ethanol (95%) at that time cost $0.64 USD and the rest of the cost was profit and taxes which taxes had the extreme largest percentage. Seems that after the first distillation you are about 90%, second is 93%, third is 95%....I don't think you can get 95% during the first distallation process...

and I agree about alcohol floating the capsaicin easily...I have a brand new bottle of Quervo Especial that I opened when I was doing seed inventory about 2 weeks ago and I put about 8 or 9 wild tepin pods in along with all the "placental" tissue I found during my inventory....took a sip of it last night and WO MAMA...it is hot...forget the taste of the tequilla, this stuff is mighty fine...can't wait to have a dried naga to put in a bottle.....
GrumpyBear said:
i think the maximum purity of alcohol you can reach with distillation alone is 95%, which is coincedently everclears percentage.

95.5% is the most pure you can make ethanol by distillation. It forms an azeotrope with water at that point, which is why everclear is 95%.

DEFCON Creator said:
Mmmmm, benzene, breakfast of champions! Try it with a xylene chaser!

At least your body can oxidize xylene and toluene to terephthalic acid and benzoic acid respectively. Benzene has no "handle" for your body to grab onto and oxidize. It just runs around wreaking havoc.
"At least your body can oxidize xylene and toluene to terephthalic acid and benzoic acid respectively. Benzene has no "handle" for your body to grab onto and oxidize. It just runs around wreaking havoc."

Hmmmm, kind of like swallowing plate glass.
interesting topic... I use everclear and sometimes 151 to make my extracts..I get everclear from a buddy of mine that runs to Chicago every week. It is outlawed here in Ohio...SSSHHHHHHH don't tell no-one though...lol
Yup...Dyce, you better be careful, Elliot will be on your trail...
Dyce51 said:
interesting topic... I use everclear and sometimes 151 to make my extracts..I get everclear from a buddy of mine that runs to Chicago every week. It is outlawed here in Ohio...SSSHHHHHHH don't tell no-one though...lol

Guess that makes him a bootlegger.
AlabamaJack said:
that is correct if I remember my organic chemistry classes I had in the late 70's...seems that our professor said that making a gallon of ethanol (95%) at that time cost $0.64 USD and the rest of the cost was profit and taxes which taxes had the extreme largest percentage. Seems that after the first distillation you are about 90%, second is 93%, third is 95%....I don't think you can get 95% during the first distallation process...

and I agree about alcohol floating the capsaicin easily...I have a brand new bottle of Quervo Especial that I opened when I was doing seed inventory about 2 weeks ago and I put about 8 or 9 wild tepin pods in along with all the "placental" tissue I found during my inventory....took a sip of it last night and WO MAMA...it is hot...forget the taste of the tequilla, this stuff is mighty fine...can't wait to have a dried naga to put in a bottle.....

I like to make pepper vodka. I usually use about 6 jalapenos stemmed and seeded but placenta intact cut into halves or quarters depending on the size of the pepper and a couple of Thais whole but pricked a few times. I tried this using habs before but it is almost too hot to enjoy. None of my friends would drink it more than once. This recipe makes a wonderful bloody mary but I like it straight.
Sickmont said:

When I was in Louisiana I drank Everclear all the time...I think thats the only way they know to make drinks LOL...well Daquaris at least...lol GGGOOOODDD STUFF I always drank the Cajun Sting Daquari at the Daquari Company...I also bought a couple of bottles while I was there to
Dyce51 said:
When I was in Louisiana I drank Everclear all the time...I think thats the only way they know to make drinks LOL...well Daquaris at least...lol GGGOOOODDD STUFF I always drank the Cajun Sting Daquari at the Daquari Company...I also bought a couple of bottles while I was there to

Can't but that stuff in PA for the last 12-15 years anyway.:(
i'm not sure we have it in canada, the only time i ever tried it was when i was in baltimore visiting a friend. we rely on plain ol' moonshine here. school science labs have a hard time keeping their supplies stocked...