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how to make pepper extract

I've always heard that using dehydrated is better, and I know that's how the Creator and others makes their extracts
I'd be interested in a comparison of the two methods. I may try that myself. *Great find*
sooooooooooo....if I take some peppers I already have dehydrated, make powder out of them and then soak them in everclear, shaking pretty often, that should do the trick....then I can do the pie plate thingy...

wonder what the saturation point of everclear is....i.e. how many peppers could I cram into a liter of everclear....
this is getting interesting now! I think dried pods soaked in your alcohol would be best as potawie said you don't have any unwanted water that way
I'm not gonna stick to using one type of pepper either as they all contain the same stuff that we want to extract, so as long as it's hot it's getting used!!
AlabamaJack said:
sooooooooooo....if I take some peppers I already have dehydrated, make powder out of them and then soak them in everclear, shaking pretty often, that should do the trick....then I can do the pie plate thingy...

wonder what the saturation point of everclear is....i.e. how many peppers could I cram into a liter of everclear....
Sounds like a good method to me, AJ. The saturation point would be at a point where it would be like mud. Pressing the mass after draining is important. You want to recover all the oils. Like with tea leaves, it'll add some plant matter into your results, but I don't think it'll be enough to matter. It should be seriously strong after the evaporation and collection.
after a long (maybe not long enough!) search it seems like getting everclear in the uk ranks right up there with hen's teeth and rocking horse shit!!
But what about using
bio-ethanol? You know the stuff that some cars run on, given that everclear is derived from grain, and so is the go juice for cars, prob not as distilled though any thoughts ppl either on using bio-eth or how to get some everclear in the U of K
you have to be careful with ethanol...you can't get much more pure than 95% alcolol because of the affinity water has for it...open a fresh bottle and water will start collecting in the ethanol...if you want it more pure than 95%, you will have to go to an extraction process which sometimes involves benzene...

heck, if 100 proof vodka works, 151 bicardy would too..
right i may be getting confused by the trans atlantic diff in measurement here, i've just looked up some 100 proof voddie and it weighs in at 50% ABV
I always in by the ABV system, so as long as it's 50% min we are in the extract business right/wrong? If that right it's just made it way easier for me!
I don't like the metallic taste of extract! But the process sounds interesting, and gives me something else to play about with!
yes...ABV is what I was referring to...proof is just twice the ABV....

you are right the 50%/100 proof will work like Nat said I reckon...I am just going to use the everclear I have and try a small sample...I found a partial bottle that is god knows how old...but I figure nothing will live in 95% alcohol except Iggys liver... :lol:
So what do you plan to do with this extract AJ? I am intrigued myself. I would have to use either 100 proof vodka or 151 Bacardi because I can't get Everclear or Grain here in PA. I don't know if I would be willing to use 5-10lbs of my precious habs to try this experiment. I may wait to see how some of you make out. Anyone else find it curious that the Creator is steering clear of this thread??? I'd be interested to hear his thoughts.
I found a partial bottle...probably a 1/2 pint of everclear that I am going to experiment with first and I already have over 200 O. Habs dried so I can use them...besides within about 4-6 weeks I should have well over 1000 pods to play with...all my superhots are putting fruit on like gang busters....the O. Hab is within a week of another harvest which I should get another 100 habs....

I will post pics during and the results when I start...probably tomorrow or Wed...
Sounds good. I am anxious to see this experiment. Whaddaya think it would take to get a couple nagas cross country? I am determined to try a naga this year.
I really don't like to see these kind of threads pop up. They do occasionally, and then people who know of ways to extract other things, with really nice stuff like liquid butane, give many with very little experience, some really bad ideas. Pepper extract is not a friggin' toy. Having made many gallons of it over the years, I'm pretty sure you can put your trust into the fact I know what I'm talking about.

Every step of the process can be quite unpleasant, if not excruciatingly painful. Yeah, you can use alcohol, but without proper knowledge, the distillation of it can turn your house into a nice little replica of Nagasaki. When we make the ZERO stuff, it takes about 4-6 months, a couple semi-fermentation periods, a good amount of liquid CO2 (I prefer NON flammable sh*t), and very firm distillation and extraction knowledge. It took a good number of years to figure all this stuff out, and I really don't want to hear about some poster, who took what he heard on a thread, and tried to implement it with a canister of Ronson Butane, to wake up and find out that he needs skin grafts on 30% of his body.
i for one ain't going anywhere near the butane route.
It'll be vodka for me and even them i'm gonna have a value on it to release the pressure that you get during fermentation.
Gonna use the same sort of thing you use in your demi john when making wine
Just be careful. I think many individuals underestimate what they are dealing with, not the final product, but the products that are created during each production stage, and the inherent hazards that exist during its creation.
I'm with Defcon on this one. I am not as much of an expert as he is but I've made a few batches myself. As Defcon stated it is quite dangerous to produce. I have used a couple of different methods that have resulted in some strong extract. But playing around peppers and alcohol .........For crying out loud leave the butane alone!!! The extracts are made to be injested....why would you use butane (a petroleum product) in something you are going to injest....granted the butane boils off but what has it done to the flavor? what residue has it left behind? I know when I make my extracts (I'm sure its the same with Defcon) I start out with clean stainless steel pots and sterilized glass. You want pure capsacin? Order it from a professional like Defcon or someone.......just my .02 :hell:
DEFCON Creator said:
...people who know of ways to extract other things, with really nice stuff like liquid butane, give many with very little experience, some really bad ideas....Yeah, you can use alcohol, but without proper knowledge, the distillation of it can turn your house into a nice little replica of Nagasaki...I really don't want to hear about some poster, who took what he heard on a thread, and tried to implement it with a canister of Ronson Butane, to wake up and find out that he needs skin grafts on 30% of his body.
I agree totally with the Butane thing. I think I made myself clear about what I thought about it.

I had no idea that anyone fermented pepper extract. Way too much for what I do. A simple soak for a week and then evaporation outside until the booze dries up.

I've done this with many other plants, (No, not marijuana), and it works great for a very small amount of extracted oils. Flowers are a blast to do it with and some bushes that flower during the year. Almost any plant that has aroma or veggies that have lots of flavor.

I don't understand the other persons comment about playing with alcohol and peppers, but perhaps he meant the ethanol stuff. I'm talking plain old every day booze, not some exotic stuff. The only time it's open to the air is outside to evaporate.

Defcon, have you done the booze/pepper thing? If so, how did it turn out? If it sucked big time, then we don't need to even try it.

I'm not into danger. I've had more than my share of it and would love to live the remainder of my life with none at all.

I want you guys and gals to know you've ruined me! I don't enjoy anything that I used to think was hot, now. I'm ready to start ordering my hot sauces by the gallon!
Nat...get you some DefCon Zero...it's the sh*t....

I may be rethinking the extract idea...and I sure as heck won't be using butane...I didn't realize even the alcohol thing could be so bad either...