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How to make sauce hotter???

I just made a nice sauce with pineapples peaches vinegar water and habaneros. For 40 ounces total liquid by volume I used 6 orange habaneros. I thought this would be spicy (comes down to .75 habaneros per 5 oz woozie.) but it really is just a mild-medium sauce. There is some heat at the end of you use a lot, its more like a spicy sauce than a hot sauce. The flavor is spot on. How do I make this hotter without adjusting other ingredients? I thought maybe double the habaneros (1.5 per 5 ounce woozie) or mix in X (fill in the blank) teaspoons of ghost pepper powder? Add some red jalapenos? Thank you. I want it hot but not stupid hot and still focusing on flavor not just insane heat.
The Hot Pepper said:
Alright now that he admitted it was false we can get back the the OP's question. :)
Is that what I did fuckstick? 
are you that fucking stupid? 
Just delete all of my post and content here, I want nothing to do with people this fucking dumb. 
Ashen said:
Not hard to understand. Salt is perceived by taste buds which can be sensitized by capsaicin, meanwhile capsaicin is perceived by pain receptors that are not sensitized by salt. Spicy can make things seem saltier, salty no make things spicier. Science; it is your friend.

     There is no room for science in Chilero's life. Only rage.
     And fuckstick.