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How to tell Hotness by appearance

Hi, I have a bit of a random question. A coworker bet me a hundred bucks that I could not eat a Ghost Pepper. He is likely right because I am not a good spicy eater and will probably end up hospitalized, based on what I've seen from others eating them, but I agreed to do it. He said it will happen at a Company party this Friday where I will get to pick from 5 Peppers, just by looking, no smelling/touching, etc. That said, is there any way to tell which peppers are less hot than the others just by appearance so I can at least try to soften the blow?
Any advice is appreciated, thanks for your help!
So...1 of the 5 will be a ghost pepper? Just google images of ghost peppers and do not pick the 1 that looks like it. If all 5 are ghost peppers, there is no way to tell which is hotter. Have food in your stomach beforehand and drink whole milk/eat yogurt to relieve the burning.
No way to really tell by looks just a gamble but pick the smallest for sure if they are all Ghost. Bet me a hundred bucks and I'll eat a bhutlah probably regret it later but oh well. Did he say how long you had to chew it or how long before you could drink anything. Like ms1476 said have food on your stomach. Drinking a big milkshake before hand isn't a bad idea either.
Oh and don't let the fight or flight feeling come over you. Don't panic your not going to die might feel that way but your fine. Don't overthink it just walk up grab the smallest one and chomp it down. Go into Beast mode and take his cash!!
I agree with Rebel, pretty much no way of knowing. 
Just by size and color. Yellow varieties are usually not as hot as the red, brown or chocolate. The smaller sized pods also shouldnt be as hot as the same variety of the larger pepper.
I hope this helps you. I wish I had that bet! LOL
Good luck to ya
$100 who cares, man up & eat it.
if you're not used to eating extreme hot then eat some food & take some maloc before eating the bhut. then suffer through the mouth pain for a little bit & be $100 richer. & if he allows you to drink something then its a lot easier.

by chance is that person already a member here ? and you'll be video taped and posted here ? :rofl:
++ to what others have said-
eat some bread or crackers, milk/icecream, and peanut butter ahead of time.
Don't ask ahead of time about eating/drinking after!!!!  Just assume that after a few seconds, eat some ice cream or peanut butter.
:welcome: to THP and Good Luck!!!!  Hope someone vids is so we can enjoy your pain.  :D 
Agreed with the others, milk for temporary relief, bananas and peanut butter for longer relief.
Arrive prepared, otherwise it may ruin your day, no joke. But everyone reacts differently so it may not be that bad.
Yea definitely combine salsa and rebels ideas. Eat a big fat peanut butter sandwich(add a little bit of sugar to it too, tastes great and will help more) and have a milkshake if you can. Then go for the smallest and least ripe(colored) one.
Yes, they are all ghosts, but I get to pick one of the 5. The spiciest thing I've eaten.. probably a regular pepper, something at a Thai Restaurant, or Atomic wings from Wingstop (which I could not eat). Nothing compared to a ghost pepper. But you're right $100 bucks is $100 bucks Lol. The deal was I have to chew it and everything, swallow it, and no drinking milk for 5 minutes after. No, the guy who proposed it is not a member here. I created this Account just to ask for help haha. You guys gave some great suggestions and info, thank you everyone for your advice!
Let us know how it works out for you, have him chomp one down too. just to make it a little more even. like every one else said pick the smallest and less ripe one and eat something before you eat the pepper.
It will be very hot but it won't kill you ,then just grin and ride the wave and take the fool's money and walk away. If he doesn't eat one with you it will make him look like the whimp when you are done, also you can comment on how good it tasted. that will make him think you are a real pepper eater.
Ghost peppers are certainly hot, but won't cause you to incur a hospital bill.

Just eat the thing, and don't think about it. Tolerance isn't so much about actually getting used to a hot pepper, it's more about mentally knowing what to expect from it. So expect heat but ignore the pain. It's temporary. But as others have said, make sure you have something in the stomach. A banana, some yogurt, a milkshake, anything. And continue to snack afterwards.

In my experience, the cap cramps happen when your stomach goes empty of regular food, but there is some capsaicin still lurking about. Capsaicin isn't digestible. It just moves through the system whole. So to keep it moving, you have to keep something in your stomach. A snack every 20 minutes or so will do just that. Another little yogurt, or banana does the trick. Don't need a lot, just need something.
I agree with everyone here. On the peppers, bumpier peppers are usually hotter than smooth peppers. Bhuts are rather smooth, but just in case, choose the smallest, smoothest one. Bananas before and after,at least. Having something in your stomach will help you from losing it, whatever you eat.Eating and not thinking makes it easier. Chomp it whole, don't let it touch your lips, chew it enough to make it small and swallow. Don't think how hot it is. Finally, you need to practice with smaller amounts. On my first hot pepper night, bhuts were hotter than hell. After a few months we were finding ourselves saying, "oh this is just a bhut" After eating brain strains and then primos, bhuts are almost like candy. Anyway, prep yourself, instead of this test being the hottest thing you have ever tried. Good luck and have fun. Tom