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harvesting How's the harvest coming along?

Well, I've got 173 pepper plants this year. Two weeks ago the peppers started to really mature. Last Monday I harvested three peppers, Wednesday I got 5 peppers, Saturday 10 peppers. Now, what once was a trickle of ripe peppers, is becoming a full flood of ripe peppers!

As many as I am getting, there isn't enough. Next year I'm going to expand to over 250 peppers, because I'm gready and want more peppers to eat and have fun with.

How is everyone else's pepper harvest coming along?
Not harvesting yet but I'm not far behind you. 65 plants, all of them loaded with peppers. It's been a perfect growing season for me this year. It will be a bumper crop once I start harvesting. I figure I'm about a month behind you.
173 PEPPER PLANTS? Wow! Wife thought I was nuts with 28 plants, and by looking at how they are producing, maybe I am.

I've got some jalps in the 3" range right now but still green. Was gonna pick a dozen or so for grilled poppers tomorrow. Most of the harvesting will be done in Sept.
I have 370.....oh wait, I miss counted.....make that 12 plants. The harvest has begun for the Annums, Need some time for the Chinense to ripen though. And my Rocotos......well the flowers taste great!!! I'm shamefully podless. But not giving up damn it!!!!!!!

I am growing about 90 varieties this year. The Pubescens are just starting to ripen (Ecuador Red from Hell, PI 387838, PI 497676...another 11 vars either in flower, with unripe fruit..waiting patiently....and 2 that just vegetate for the moment despite being planted in December.

Quite a few ripe pods from the first flowering of the annuums and chinenses.

Heres a Trinidad Scorpion (isolated pod...getting picked tomorrow for its seeds for NagaMad and Potawie, just got to dry them a bit , but not before burning myself first... LOL)


All the best

That's one hot looking Scorpion. Its burning my eyes just looking at it.

Too many plants to count right now. I'm having an incredible year, with boxes of ripe peppers already. I don't know what I'm gunna do with em' all this year. I'm growing 30+ varieties, many in pots

Here's some drying, and freshly picked peppers from recent harvests

These Neon Yellow habs are growing like crazy despite the weeds and I must have ten of them.

imaguitargod said:
WOW! those peppers look really good! I think I'm going to grow the neon habs next year. Where did you get the seeds?

Unfortunately the Neon Yellow habs and many of my other seeds this year came from Reimers. This is the batch where the mystery "vulture" pepper came from. I've also noticed some plants have pods that hardly get yellow going to orange instead. I plan on saving seeds from the brightest yellow pods for seed saving/trading (I've had it with Reimers) and maybe some orangey ones too although none are really isolated.

Alybody try a pepper grinder for tepins
Here's a pic of my tepin started Feb or March. I love the look of this one.

Guy Holman said:

Hi Guy

Man that’s one hot looking chilli, my tongue burning just from looking at it. I honestly have to say it looks far scarier than a Ripe Naga :mouthonfire:

I haven't tried Scorpions or Nagas yet and I'm honestly a little scared just thinking about it. Before this year my hottest was a normal type orange hab. This year things have changed. I'm no longer catering to my girly-man friends and neighbours, I'm on a mission to educate myself and others about the great flavours and different types of heat and pods. On that note, I tried a Vulture Pepper, only a teeny speck. Wow, for me that was the hottest thing I can remember and very fruity. Next I tried a Congo Choc. Hab and double wow. What a unique taste and different sort of heat that sort of kicked me in the face and left bruises. I wish I could describe the taste in words. I think I'll be going back for more as soon as the burning stops.

Derek (naga scared)
I think I may be the only one on these boards who is looking forward to eating his crop of Naga's once they come in...but then again, me and Defcon ARE the crazy ones here...
imaguitargod said:
I think I may be the only one on these boards who is looking forward to eating his crop of Naga's once they come in...but then again, me and Defcon ARE the crazy ones here...

Make sure to take pics. How are the Naga's doing?

How many people actually eat whole pods of real hotties! Time for a poll I guess.
Make sure to take pics. How are the Naga's doing?
I will!!! I had seven but finally ended up with 3(one was eaten by a bird, one was covered up with water from someone else's ...stupid move... and the rest just didn't like the sun) and I am getting flowers (which I've been cutting ff to ensure a larger plant). One of them is doubling in size everyday. I'll let a flower grow in about a week.

How many people actually eat whole pods of real hotties! Time for a poll I guess.
Yes it is!
37 plants, 12 varieties:2 Aji Dulce, 2 St. Lucia Red, 4 Santo Domingo, 4 Sandia, 1 Cowhorn, 1 Mexi Bell, 1 Jalapeno, 2 Datil, 2 Datil Sweet, 4 Serrano, 4 Lemon Drop, 4 Bulgarian Carrot, 2 Tabasco, and 3 second-year Chiltecpins. Most are loaded with pods with a few starting to ripen. The Tabascos are a little behind, but the plants are big and the pods are starting to form, so no prob. The Cowhorn, Mexi Bell, and Jalapeno were found at Wallmart's garden center on sale at the end of planting season, so we decided they needed a good home! We also have 4 yellow bell peppers for salads. brookthecook
I haven't tried Scorpions or Nagas yet....... On that note, I tried a Vulture Pepper, only a teeny speck. Wow, for me that was the hottest thing I can remember and very fruity. Next I tried a Congo Choc. Hab and double wow. What a unique taste and different sort of heat that sort of kicked me in the face and left bruises. I wish I could describe the taste in words. I think I'll be going back for more as soon as the burning stops.

Derek (naga scared)

Hi Derek

See why I am on a chocolate chinense expedition this year(23 vars, although many of the CGN ones are actually very much annuums rather than chinenses and one Chocolate Hab turned out to be RED). Great flavirs across the range of chocolate colored peppers but some are uniqely flavorsome as you have found out. The very first are starting to brown up, so I will be able to do some pics soon....whilst waiting heres one of last years from Redwood City Seeds...great plant with lovely leaves, super hot pods and a great slightly smokey treat for my war torn palate.




Ripening Pods


Some harvested pods

Enjoy those chocolate treats boys n girls

All the best

Nice pics Guy,

I love the look of the chocolate pods. I'm growing 2 varieties this year, choc. congos and choc caribbeans. Do you have any long or different shaped varieties? Have you tasted any of the Annuums and how do they look? What do you do with most of your pods?

Look at this, I'm hooked on chocolate now too.

There sure are a lot of different variations on the theme....most are about to mature, so I will do pics and tastings in the next few weeks. I have one annuum thats ripe...Ethiopian Brown, but have not tasted yet...probably on tonights menu though.

I like to leave the first pods as long as possible though, as they were isolated for seed and seed germination rates are better if you allow the pods to really ripen up rather than just turn colour. This is most evident when picking pubescens, just after they have turned color...the seeds are more a milky coffee color rather than dark brown at this stage from a lot of the varieties.
Will let you know what they are like when the time comes. The Ethipian Brown I am not too bothered about so I will take my chances and suck n see!!!!

All the best

I haven't tried Scorpions or Nagas yet and I'm honestly a little scared just thinking about it. Before this year my hottest was a normal type orange hab. This year things have changed. I'm no longer catering to my girly-man friends and neighbours, I'm on a mission to educate myself and others about the great flavours and different types of heat and pods. On that note, I tried a Vulture Pepper, only a teeny speck. Wow, for me that was the hottest thing I can remember and very fruity. Next I tried a Congo Choc. Hab and double wow. What a unique taste and different sort of heat that sort of kicked me in the face and left bruises. I wish I could describe the taste in words. I think I'll be going back for more as soon as the burning stops.

Derek (naga scared)

I've got some dried naga here at the shop... stop in one of these days and I'll let you taste them. You'll see why I think Jonathan is out of his league if he really thinks he can eat a whole one of these things!

Visit while i'm in town though; Nathalie won't be able to show you the Nagas.

Tina Brooks said:
You'll see why I think Jonathan is out of his league if he really thinks he can eat a whole one of these things!
I will eat one of these whole, I just won't be able to handle the heat and will withering in excruciating pain for a while. It's going to be fun!
imaguitargod said:
I will eat one of these whole, I just won't be able to handle the heat and will withering in excruciating pain for a while. It's going to be fun!

It'll be fun if you don't kill yourself.