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You know I usually don't give a rat's patootie to what the hottest pepper is as it usually doesn't last long before it's replaced. But this Reaper pepper has got me kind of pissed. PepperJoe claims to be some expert chili growing dude. You go to his website and he's got all kinds of claims as being the greatest this and that, Martha Stewart loves him, he's been nominated for Worlds most influential pepper grower and Lord know what else. But the guy is a joke. Simple. By posting the waiver under the photo of the Reaper pepper that reads, "Pod shapes, color and size may vary" he's telling the world that the pepper isn't stable. Any pepper "expert" knows if a seed grows peppers that are different in shape, color and size that the thing isn't stable. I have no doubt the majority of folks buying his seeds don't have a clue as to what they're buying. His little waiver is nothing but an attempt at self preservation. If the seeds he sells don't end up growing like the photos then folks are going to get pissed and want their money back. Good old Joe just points to his disclaimer and says "Hey, I told you folks they might not look like the pictures, it's your own fault you didn't believe me." He's counting on one, folks not caring about the $10 or $20 they spent on the seeds and two, if they do the waiver will save him. That is my definition of a con artist.
You know I usually don't give a rat's patootie to what the hottest pepper is as it usually doesn't last long before it's replaced. But this Reaper pepper has got me kind of pissed. PepperJoe claims to be some expert chili growing dude. You go to his website and he's got all kinds of claims as being the greatest this and that, Martha Stewart loves him, he's been nominated for Worlds most influential pepper grower and Lord know what else. But the guy is a joke. Simple. By posting the waiver under the photo of the Reaper pepper that reads, "Pod shapes, color and size may vary" he's telling the world that the pepper isn't stable. Any pepper "expert" knows if a seed grows peppers that are different in shape, color and size that the thing isn't stable. I have no doubt the majority of folks buying his seeds don't have a clue as to what they're buying. His little waiver is nothing but an attempt at self preservation. If the seeds he sells don't end up growing like the photos then folks are going to get pissed and want their money back. Good old Joe just points to his disclaimer and says "Hey, I told you folks they might not look like the pictures, it's your own fault you didn't believe me." He's counting on one, folks not caring about the $10 or $20 they spent on the seeds and two, if they do the waiver will save him. That is my definition of a con artist.

The disclaimer caught my attention too, and the seeds may or may not make my grow list next year. Fair enough. But I have never, ever heard of Joe not instantly refunding money or replacing seeds if a customer is unhappy. So while the first part of the post seems like a valid enough criticism the last part, unless I am missing something, comes across as just crude character assassination.
Stefan I am calling Joe's character into question. He is purposely claiming that the pepper is the new world's hottest, without any proof to back it up and by posting the pictures of the Reaper being red and bumpy he's telling folks this is what the pepper is going to look like. Then in the fine print he tells folks it may be different than the pepper he posted a photo of. If that's the case then why post the photo in the first place? What kind of person advertises their product like that? A 100% truthful, I care about my customer person or a salesman only interested in getting money from folks. Like I said how many people are going to end up with pods that don't look like the ones in the photos will actually ask for their money back? Few I imagine plus he's making almost $5 on shipping. It cost $0.44 to ship a packet of seeds. So even if he does refund the original $10 to folks he's still banking money. The man is no fool. He makes a living as a seller of a product. He's going to make his money regardless.
Patrick- I agree that he will make money regardless. I guess we differ because I want him, and all of the seed sellers I use, to make money simply because if they don't make money they would no longer do it and I wouldn't be able to get the seeds that I want. Protecting your business and investment is not a sin.

The other points you just make have been made again and again. In fact, I'm pretty sure you have made these points yourself in this thread. I guess I was motivated to post because I really don't see the need to say the same stuff over and over again, especially when it is a complaint. You absolutely, 100% have the right to your opinion. I will personally defend your right to your opinion right down to the bitter end. However, if you keep saying the same stuff again and again it starts to sound less factual and more like a personal gripe. None of use are perfect, and all of us are fully capable of getting frustrated from time to time. However, personal gripes don't help me pick out seeds or seed sellers, and they kind of annoy me after a while, so at a certain point I come to the conclusion that it is best to call them out. And I am a very lazy person deep down inside, so it takes an awful lot of repitition to get me to this point.
The only thing i have to say on this is that joe didnt grow these peppers... ED CURRIE did so even if the pod is unstable or cross pollinated then how is it joes fault? Ed gave the seeds to joe to sell and thats what joe is doing, if anyone has something to say or ask about the pepper, go on facebook or email him and ask him... dont accuse joe of all this stuff when ed is the one in the wrong, ed is the one that would be in charge of the test and the records and such not JOE so go after ed for everything that they said they would do and never did or did and never annouced it to the public well thats all i have to say lol have fun guys
Yeah Stefan I am guilty of repeating myself and you're right about it losing it's importance and looking more and more like a personal rant. It isn't. I just hate to see people who don't know what's going on being disappointing. Repeating it here does no good so I'll quit. He isn't the only seller of seeds though. We want to encourage the sellers who are honest about their seeds don't we? Not the ones who make claims they can't back up? We need to look out for everyone who grows peppers, not just the chiliheads. How many people will buy and grow these seeds to find themselves disappointed in the outcome? How many of these people will give up growing peppers? How many will lose trust in internet seed sellers? How many honest sellers will lose sales because they got burned once?

I'm all for everyone making a living, heck we all have bills to pay. There are good ways and not so good ways. We should reward the people who are honest, not the other ones.

tyler you're right, Joe didn't grow these peppers. However he is the man behind the marketing. He started talking about these a long, long time ago. Pumping up the potential buyers. He had this place in a frenzy, frothing at the mouth for these seeds. I have always given the man credit for his ability to sell. As for Ed I have a feeling, could totally be wrong, that he was pushed to get the seeds out before they were ready. That's me shifting the blame to Joe, right or wrong we'll have to wait to find out, heck we may never know. The things I've said about Joe as far as how he's advertising this pepper are true.

I have no vendetta against Joe. Not much I could do if I did.
I've never bought from Joe and I don't have a dog in this fight, but I'll never buy from Pepper Joe or Penny's Tomatoes. Everything I know about them has been learned at this forum and at the tomato forum he has threatened to shut down (yeah, right). There are some very heavy hitters at that site, just as there are here. Folks don't take too kindly to renaming tomatoes or peppers for their personal gain. Nor do folks like to see their intellectual property (photos) used by people too cheap to hire a photographer or capture their own images for financial gain. The history of them doing both has been documented.
I'd like to add, if I receive an email or a PM from anyone regarding this thread, it is going to be made public, I have nothing to hide. If you don't wish to air your dirty laundry, don't.
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