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HP56 Death Strain.

If it tastes bad I don't see the point in growing it out. No matter how insanely hot. I grow peppers to eat. Not just to stare at and say these are the hottest in the world. I don't eat them but I grew them. I mean what is the point?! I enjoy bhuts and others because they are hot and I actually enjoy the flavor and taste. And actually want to enjoy eating them.
All part of the hobby in the bigger picture
If cramming a known nuclear pod in your face followed by sweat,tears and puking satisfies your codependent life then have at it
Plenty of us in the hobby do not support such efforts
If you can grow out a strain like the proven Primo that has flavor and brutal heat,bring it on
Growing out bitter pod strains in the "my daddy can whip your daddy" context is reserved for "self servicing" aka:attention whores(pod testers on vid)
At least Ed has that much going for him,though the strain was "shared" he will never market it to the general hobby"as something".
In case people are forgetting, as seems to be the case with all the talk about flavor profiles (extreme bitterness, excessive floral notes, etc..), I'd just simply bring up to mention that the 'Death' strain's primary objective was to be used in medical research (specifically cancer if I'm not mistaken, have also read about various heart conditions). That being said, I don't think Ed would have really paid much attention or devoted any effort to improving the 'culinary' potential of the Death strain. Of course, some have consumed it for whatever reasons, but with its main priority directed at research, comments as to its desirability to be cultivated and later consumed should not really apply or be in the same category of other super (or extreme) hot peppers which are directly meant to be consumed. So I'd label it as a 'novelty' if one has intentions of consuming it, and simply just judge it on what it is known for - HEAT!... and keeping the taste factor out of the equation (until someone might could work on it to improve the flavor).  :cool:
I'd love to try a piece, just to see how nasty it is taste AND heat wise! I remember the first time I actually got a mouthful of that 'plastic/diesel' taste some of the brown/chocolate pods can have... I'll never forget that. Lol. Peppers and their diversity- always exciting!
Jase4224 said:
"So we are growing this new pepper for cancer research.. it's called the DEATH strain"

Seems like a great name for the new hottest pepper but if it's purpose is for medical research perhaps they could reconsider. Or just stick to HP56
  That's a good point. I mean what better words to associate with treating cancer than death and reaper.
I have to say IMO, I doubt this pepper was designed for cancer treatment research. did it have something in it that maximised its cancer fighting potential (Capsaicin ??)  that made him donate its genetics to its purpose 'sure'!!,  was the original design to be the hottest pepper after the 'Reaper' and not a 'Cancer fighter' more than likely. 
Like most things in human history of significant advance.. The original research was to make something to destroy ... and from that other uses become apparent that can aid and assist.
As a cancer researcher in academia for over 20 years, i.e. I don`t have a big pharma axe to grind, there were a flurry of scientific papers about capsaicin and cancer up until around 2008 or so, as exemplified below. 
The gist of these was basically to say that in lab-grown immortal cancer cell lines, pure capsaicin could cause the cells to die via a mechanism called Apoptosis. Not much has been done since because, basically, it was a way for people to get a quick publication, maybe appear on the evening news and get further funding from the Govt. Very little has been published since, because the basis for these data are extremely flawed and do not translate to real life situations. More recently a very valuable approach using capsaicin and resiniferatoxin analogues as pain killers has been developed. That seems counter-intuitive, but what these do is cause complete desensitisation of the pain pathways, thereby shutting them down. This is an approach where the pain associated with cancer can be treated.
Pain Relief
Student of Spice said:
Not intended to be rude here, I just wonder why there is always so much drama about this guy and his peppers?
I have no drama about Ed or his peppers.. I however don't appreciate people who tag their products with stuff associated with cancer associated assistance for undue reason. The fact he allowed his peppers to be used for research is great, I have no issue with that.. But I don't think they were created for cancer research primarily .. and as a secondary they just happened to be 'The hottest peppers in the world', the reverse I a lot more likely.
Wether he did or not .. meh... I'll never know the truth of it, it just seems unlikely.. If he did I salute him.. 
​I think the 'Drama' perhaps comes from the genealogy of the Carolina Reaper. Without going on about it, between his supposed growing list of parent peppers to make the reaper and the alleged theft of a pheno of the Primo that became the reaper, it feels like a lot of the drama is self created..
If I remember correctly the original dialogue was "Cancer research was interested"
Then it all got dropped in a media blender and . . . . . . . . .
Thinking if something cool comes from Puckerbutt I will grow it.  But the same is true of Acme Pepper Company.  Growing new peppers is just plain fun.  I think the drama comes in when fan clubs form.  Not five minutes later there is an anti fan club.  No offense to folk who get all clicked up, but I can find my own friends and damn if they are not the best.
Nigel, ye was commenting on the article saying it was a ghost pepper and a hab.  I think that is where Wikipedia is at last time I checked.  It changes about once a month.