HP56 Death Strain.

Flaming Youth said:
"the Richter Scale of chili peppers" - That article can gtfo. The richter scale is a non-decimal logarithmic scale which in no way relates to the liniarity of the scoville unit.
And, on a less related note, while I could believe that there was some Naga in the Reaper's genepool, no Hab would account for the difference in flavour between Ghost and Reaper. I don't buy it.
Alchymystic said:
In case people are forgetting, as seems to be the case with all the talk about flavor profiles (extreme bitterness, excessive floral notes, etc..), I'd just simply bring up to mention that the 'Death' strain's primary objective was to be used in medical research (specifically cancer if I'm not mistaken, have also read about various heart conditions). That being said, I don't think Ed would have really paid much attention or devoted any effort to improving the 'culinary' potential of the Death strain. 
I dunnow about the whole "It's for the science!" line.  :confused:
IMO, there's plenty of ego and marketing potential in his efforts. 
Given that the pods will be mashed and chemically processed to separate the capsaicin, if the object is to produce as much cap per acre, breeding a more prolific / robust / fast growing version of an existing Bhut / Reaper / Etc. might well be the easiest way to go.
I read about someone who is trying to breed THC out of a marijuana strain that has very high something else.  Maybe the something else is CBD or CBN?  The reason is that what ever that other thing is helps with seizures, but it is more expensive to separate from THC.  I can imagine Mr. Curry is attempting something like that with capsicum and trying to eliminate something else.
Here is a forward from Facebook, a new newspaper article and interview from Ed's mouth. Looks like he has changed the name of the 56, and the cross that made the reaper. I always find that I can keep a story straight when I tell the truth. People ask why there is drama. Every time he puts some propaganda out to the world, the story changes. He at least admits in this article, that if he puts out the hotter pepper it would just shoot himself in the foot, business wise. Whatever the motivation may have been at one time, it is about the money, and the fame, because it makes you more money.


Let's try this link directly
Good article, thanks!
cycadjungle said:
Here is a forward from Facebook, a new newspaper article and interview from Ed's mouth. Looks like he has changed the name of the 56, and the cross that made the reaper. I always find that I can keep a story straight when I tell the truth. People ask why there is drama. Every time he puts some propaganda out to the world, the story changes. He at least admits in this article, that if he puts out the hotter pepper it would just shoot himself in the foot, business wise. Whatever the motivation may have been at one time, it is about the money, and the fame, because it makes you more money.


Let's try this link directly
ajdrew said:
I read about someone who is trying to breed THC out of a marijuana strain that has very high something else.  Maybe the something else is CBD or CBN?  The reason is that what ever that other thing is helps with seizures, but it is more expensive to separate from THC.  I can imagine Mr. Curry is attempting something like that with capsicum and trying to eliminate something else.
Oh yea, AJ, there are many strains high in CBD now. They are mostly out west. However, Florida has made it legal for medical use, the strain called Charlotte's Web, which has no THC and is high in CBD. Florida just had a lottery a couple of months ago to grant specific regional nurseries the right to grow it for distribution. I don't know when formal distribution is supposed to start.
cycadjungle said:
Looks like he has changed the name of the 56, and the cross that made the reaper. I always find that I can keep a story straight when I tell the truth.
Naw, the one parent coming from Soufriere on Saint Vincent version has been around for a bit.  The problem being Soufriere is a town and volcano on Saint Lucia not Saint Vincent.  But yes, the lineage does seem to change with time.
What I like very much about the article you linked is that it paints Mr. Curry as a sauce maker and business person.  With respect for those occupations, knowing Mr. Curry isn't exactly a Green Acres native explains a lot of the other quotes.  Nothing against folk in other walks of life, but I'd assumed the man was more of a jump on an old John Deere tractor and go type of guy.
On the lottery to produce Charlotte's Web, I guess that is a step in the right direction.  But it seems kind of disgusting that the government would want to limit the supply, thus inflate the price, of a medicine primarily for children with siezure disorders. Have a parent in my life who picked up and moved from Ohio to Colorado after her son was born with a challenge that improves greatly with the medication.  No damn reason to make children, especially terminally ill children, suffer.
I still don't know why these "creations" get so so much space and time on THP. 
It's all smoke and mirrors - because it's not true!  It is just not possible to cross a hab of any sort with anything and get some thing that hot.  It has been proven (NuMex Chili Institute has compiled a paper on these type of crosses and concluded that you can make the milder chili hotter but you won't make the hot chili hotter by adding substantially less hot genes.)  What happened to the sweet habanero x pakistani naga story?
It's a bad attempt at a Primo.  Nothing else.  I wouldn't be surprised if he sent in genuine Primo for the SHU tests.
I have a few Reapers in my grow and they are crap.  Half the size of my Primo's, about a fifth as productive and are not gonna keep their space.
anywhoooo.  'nuff said.
Robstar, my thinking is that Butch T is a refinement of Trinidad Scorpion.  A smaller gene pool of the larger.  So if it wasn't for all the cross breeding claims, I would be comfortable with Reaper being a refinement of Primo.  Heck, we even have a refinement of a particular section of reaper dna now.  Hippie Seed has a reaper variant that looks like a bhut.

OK true dat - THSC does have a "bhut" shaped Reaper.
I have grown Naga Morich from a single source - I was given 5 seeds and have four plants - ALL of them are different shapes - even to the point where one has dark green foliage (very frutescens-like) and all the others are standard chinense foliage.  1 looks like a Congo, 1 looks like a Trini Scorp, 1 looks like a Kind Naga and one has the typical shape.  BUT they are all equally hot and have the same taste and smell.  I have no doubt that they are the real deal and not outcrosses.
NOW.  Suppose I used the Congo-like Naga in my cross - I would expect that at some stage until the magical 8th generation I would have some offspring that resembled the Congo.
I have three phenotypes of Primo:  #1 typical, #2 more 7 Pot-like and #3 more Naga-like.
To me the Reaper is a crap attempt at a Primo - he obviously selected for something different OR he used different genetics.
I stand by my conclusion though: the Reaper it is hardly worth growing.  Grow the Primo rather.  Better bang for your buck.
As for puckerbutt: loves reading about himself in the media.  He will concoct any story to be there.  Anybody who teams up with Pepperjoke is well........ let's just say, birds of a feather flock together.
Robstar, I dont know either Pepper Joe or Ed Curry enough to have an opinion.  Have ordered from both.  Got what I ordered.  Kind of a mechanical relationship. 

Opinion on the plants I have.  Since I started growing reaper, I have noticed it tends to be very late season.  Much later than primo.  It does tend to be smaller.  I have not noticed it to be less prolific when producing, but less prolific over the course of a season.  Thing is, my primo dna has been culled and culled.  Since before the primo culling I did not grow reaper, I cant really compare the two side by side the way I originally got the dna.  Now my reaper dna has been culled and culled, so none too sure that is fair either.

Last year, someone told me my reapers were true but plumper than what they'd ordered elsewhere.  I wanted to see what the difference was, so this season ordered some seed stock from other sources to compare how others have culled and developed the thing.  I really think we growers and seed savers make a huge difference in what a pepper gets thought to look like.

Best example: The Butch T Scorpion from Mr. Taylor is pictured on his site looking much different than I thought it would.  I figure it has evolved via selective culling and breeding differently in his hands than other growers.
cycadjungle said:
Oh yea, AJ, there are many strains high in CBD now. They are mostly out west. However, Florida has made it legal for medical use, the strain called Charlotte's Web, which has no THC and is high in CBD. Florida just had a lottery a couple of months ago to grant specific regional nurseries the right to grow it for distribution. I don't know when formal distribution is supposed to start.
I have seeds for charlottes web, it's very low thc and high cbd.  I also juice my cannabis leaves to get raw cbd.
If Kentucky goes the route of legalization, I might grow that one strain and either give it away or sell it dirt cheap.  I am so sick of what is happening to the hippy dippy types with marijuana.  We bitch and complain about the drug companies making tons of money off sick people, then when it becomes legal to grow medical marijuana we charge a frigging fortune for the stuff.  It is just plain two faced. 

P.S. Farmers market prices on produce bugs me too.
ajdrew said:
If Kentucky goes the route of legalization, I might grow that one strain and either give it away or sell it dirt cheap.  I am so sick of what is happening to the hippy dippy types with marijuana.  We bitch and complain about the drug companies making tons of money off sick people, then when it becomes legal to grow medical marijuana we charge a frigging fortune for the stuff.  It is just plain two faced. 

P.S. Farmers market prices on produce bugs me too.
Just curious what part of farmers market prices bugs you? I find it is cheaper than in the produce section of stores and much better tasting as it is fresher and usually allowed to stay on the plant until its actually ripe
Personally, I tend not to find farmers' market prices cheaper but they are better fruit and veg. I'll pay it when I can.
Now farmers' market prices on chillies, those are cheap. 5-10 habs or bonnets for a pound (~1.5 of your US currency).
Student of Spice said:
Just curious what part of farmers market prices bugs you? I find it is cheaper than in the produce section of stores and much better tasting as it is fresher and usually allowed to stay on the plant until its actually ripe
Maybe it is a local thing.  The state certified farmers markets in my area seem to frown on competition.   The result seems to be higher consumer prices.  I much prefer a market that determines prices via fair competition.  An example, if you tried to join our county farmers market to sell tomato, I think they would reject you because they already have enough tomato sellers.  Net result, higher consumer prices on tomato.