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Huge Rattlesnake

Im going rattle snake hunting this weekend at a guy's house that I work with. I HOPE I can get something even CLOSE to that size! Hell, 5 feet would be awesome!!
I'm a bit puzzled. Real or not, it seems peculiar to me that this guy and all the guys on Snopes are holding the snakes on a stick away from their bodies. I mean, the thing is supposedly dead, right? You just killed something that big and wicked-looking that could have killed you first, wouldn't you want to pick it up with your bare hands, hold it over your head, and pronounce "LOOK AT WHAT I JUST GOT FOR DINNER!" Wouldn't you have a big-old sh*t-eatin' grin on your face - got 'im before he got me?

That aside, the light seems a bit off on this particular pic. If you look at his hat, his shoulders, and the top of his arm which is mostly hidden by the snake, you see some real hot bright spots. But where are the hot spots in the rest of the pic? The direction of the light does seem to be hitting him from mostly overhead, but somewhat to the left - why aren't there corresponding hot spots reflecting back from the flared edges of the snake's head, for example? No hot spots reflecting off the leaves of the plants in the background, either. Now light can be a funny thing with the way it bounces around, and it could be that the hot spots are coming from breaks in the leaves of trees around him. Still, I would expect that with even that there would be other signs of brighter light in other areas of the pic, and I don't really see any. So I'm on the fence with this one - could be a totally real pic with the light just doing odd things, but could be a PS job. Could simply be the computer calc resampling to resize the pic to make it smaller managed to eliminate some of the bright spots.

Perspective alone could definitely explain the appearance of the size of the snake relative to the size of the guy - a simple change of f-stop on your camera will easily do that - anyone in a Photo 101 class should know that.
I thought it was a fake when I first saw it, but I looked at it in PS and I can't see any of the tale-tale signs of photo-manip. Normally, when a photo has been chopped, the pixels around the part that have been added or changed don't match the surrounding area.

That said, "Get out the deep fryer Ma! We're having snake tonight!"
I think he's just holding it about 5 feet in front of him.

What puzzles me though, he's wearing the proper foot gear, but you sure as hell don't go rattler huntin' wearing shorts. :lol:
Not buying it. An eastern diamondback might be that big - but they aren't found in Texas. There are claims of westerns over 6 feet, but only claims.

A shame to kill it. A beautiful animal that would be worth some serious €€ in Europe.

I agree. I had a nice Eastern that was about 5 feet long. Those things are beauties.
Nah, couldnt be holding it 5' in front of him...his elbows are at his side. I would imagine the reason all of the people in these pics are holding the snakes out if because, for one, one THAT big would be WAY too heavy to pick up the WHOLE thing for any longer than a couple of seconds, let alone long enough to take a pic. That and the fact that even for a good 30 minutes to an hour after you kill a snake, the tail and head will still move. I wouldnt want THAT damn head anywhere NEAR my fat ass!!! The head on that thing is as big as his damn hand!! :eek:
Agree with SS. Forward hand is holding it from underneath while the rear hand is holding it from above. Exactly like you would hold a long stick with something heavy on the end. Also note how you can't see any of the stick/pole. Ugly freaking snake too. Rattlers scare the hell out of me.