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pests Hundreds of Bugs in my new germination trays!!

AlabamaJack said:
yeah...he can't stay gone for long...good to see you posting again Nat...
Thanks AJ, I missed the place. It's weird how busy you can get and how the time flies by while your zipping around trying to keep your head dry. :onfire:
wordwiz said:

I was beginning to think a horde of aphids had kidnapped you while you were asleep.

Hahahhaaahaa, nope my friend, I've been like that guy with the plates on the tops of the sticks. Too many sticks...... :D
Pam said:
Don't ditch your plants Pepp3rFreak! Make a barrier on the surface with something like perilite or the Diatomaceous Earth suggested by that guy that was supposed to be missing. That will prevent the adults from laying more eggs. You can also drench the soil with Bt to kill the larva.


What is Bt?

One word of caution I read about diatomaceous earth - it is suggested users wear a mask when applying it as the dust can be inhaled. I've only used it in a swimming pool and was told to always stand upwind when applying it.

Bacillus thuringiensis and to be more specific Bacillus thuringiensis israeliensis.

You see it a lot in the little doughnuts to keep mosquitoes under control in backyard ponds and birdbaths.
yeah Mike don't snort it...it could cause the lungs to bleed...the DE can cut up the alveoli...(almost typed areola)
Thank you everyone for your concern and good sugegstions!!!! BTW, I haven't seen a few of you posting in awhile, Pam & Nat etc., it's great to see you'll!!

Of course I too haven't been posting much, my stupid 6 ruptured discs in my back have been keeping me in an oxycodone coma the past few months, hopefully my next months surgery will gets me fixed up and ready for gardening this year once again!

BTW< I consulted this wise old man at the garden shop about my dilema, he said that a few sprayings of pyrethrum spray will get rid of these bugs and won't harm my baby peppers one bit as it's naturally made from the plant!!

I'lll follow-up to let you know the outcome!