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outdoors Hunting Pics

Have any hunting pictures or stories lets see and hear them







Here's a few of mine I'm sure ill round up some more.
I don't take many pictures, so as far as anybody know I'll just be telling some fishing tale...

This year I got 9 tags (4 buck, 5 doe) and in my state, there are two main rifle seasons, Nov 10-25 (any deer) and Dec 29 - Jan 6 (antlerless only)

I use a .380 and do all stalking type hunting. -- Few trees where I hunt make for some long shots.

I filled my 4 buck tags this year:

8 Point Mule Deer - Dressed @ 160 lbs -- 180 yd shot
8 Point Basket Whitetail Deer - Dressed @ 110 lbs -- 270 yd shot
4 Point Mule Deer - Dressed @ 95 lbs -- 340 yd shot
Button Mule Deer - Dressed @ 75 lbs -- 360 yd shot

I'll be going back out this Saturday to fill my antlerless tags.

Best proof I have to offer - other than the basket - all deer :


Now for the story's, lol...

Where I hunt:
The area's I hunt are just on the western side of the South Dakota badlands, there are little to no trees and just as much water. I hike anywhere from 10 - 20 miles a day - here's a picture I took a couple years ago while hunting - this is one of my favorite spots, it's public and roughly 100 square miles:


8 Point Mule Deer

Easy kill, saw a group sleeping on the side of a steep hill, I climbed up another hill adjacent to the deer, low crawled the top, using my bipod took aim and shot. Range finder (post use) read 180 yards -- heart shot. Best part about this, an atv trail ran right next to the hill, after the the slide down hill I only had to drag ~100 yard!!! lol -- best drag ever, lol

4 Pointer and Button Mule Deer

This day I brought out two of my friends (they had no tags/first time hunting) so they could share in the experience. I carried the rifle, one had the binoculars and the other the range finder. We were walking a dry creek bed when one friend spots a deer in the distance, the other used the range finder "70 yards" , lol -- more like 1,070 yards, lol.. idiot.. --

The deer was on the eastern slope near the top facing north (toward us) -- I went around the next most eastern hill and climbed over directly parallel to the deer and low crawled the top. To my delight there were 5 deer, a buck and 4 doe looks like ~125yds. I open the bipod and take aim on the buck, fire... miss..... wtf... The deer just stood up and looked around, lol -- perfect, he didn't know where the sound came from because of the hills.... the friend with the bino's told me I hit low, I lift up and fire - I hit and he drops right where he stood...

Above him on the hill stood the largest doe (later found out it was a button buck) -- I had tags and the deer still didn't know where I was -- how sweet!!!!

So I chambered another and fired --- Miss... seriously WTF... I'm no marksman but I am using a bipod and the scope was sighted in and did fine on range... again WTF...

I chamber another and fire, leg shot ... Dammit! now I feel like a real dick.... I dropped the mag, loaded 4 more while it scraped around the hillside not getting anywhere...

I chamber the first round... click... da fuq? chamber another.... click .... da fuq??? .... another ... click... #$^@%&#$^@# -- oh... I never reinserted the mag... DOH!! I'm an idiot, lol...

This time I chambered an actual round and fired... missed.... look back at useless friend who's been holding the range finder at his hip .. "how far is it?"

"70 yards" --- It had one button, how is he screwing this up... .

my other friend grabs it from his hand, looks through, "360 yards"

OOOOHHHH that's why I've been missing -- apparently I suck a judging distances.. it all made sense now.. -- chambered another, hit, heart shot.

So we walk over to the buck and he's rocking his head back and fourth in the dirt - shit, he's still alive... all this time I spent screwing around and he's been here suffering... not only am I an idiot, I'm also an asshole too.....

poked at him, no response - ... ... no blood... couldn't find a bullet wound... ??? weird.... I grabbed his antlers while my buddy held his legs and I cut his throat. -- remember when I said he dropped where he stood -- I hit him in the neck and paralyzed him.. '

-- after I field dressed them we had a 1.5 mile drag ahead of us - some good stories there, but I'll save that for another post.

8 Point Basket Whitetail Deer

Last and final deer, wife insisted I took a picture -

-don't judge --

No amazing story with this one, one shot kill, lung shot, dropped ~50 yds from where I stood when I shot it.

I think I rambled on long enough...
Unfortunately, I had no luck this year. I saw several legal bucks, but got no shooting. It was still a successful year for our camp and my family. My dad and brother both killed their biggest PA whitetails ever.



A couple years ago I killed a big seven point about the same size as these ones, I'll see if I can find pics.
12 gauge slug very devastating and effective, nice deer!!
correct joe 12 gauge hollow point slug was used droped it right in its tracks and its small but it filled my tag and the freezer

Unfortunately, I had no luck this year. I saw several legal bucks, but got no shooting. It was still a successful year for our camp and my family. My dad and brother both killed their biggest PA whitetails ever.



A couple years ago I killed a big seven point about the same size as these ones, I'll see if I can find pics.
wow jay t thats what i call pa whitetails amazing

had to be on private land right?
Believe it or not no. It was on state game lands in Centre Co. about a mile and a half off the road. They were killed three hours and four hundred yards apart. I personally believe that my brother's is the father of my dad's, the racks are very similar, and the one is about a year older than the other.
Jealous! Venison is my favourite. Deer are kept around alot of temples here, so I don't think the monks would be too happy if I went hunting. ;)

I miss going shooting (pheasants) this time of year in the UK