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Hydro Question


Impressive! I'm going to shoot Barbie if she ships me another product via snail mail - and I am talking real snail mail. It's coming from Missouri, which is about five hours away. It has been six days so far. It's Parcel Post, I think and the baffoons at the Post Office don't care. The last thing I bought from her, I had her change the shipping to regular US mail - it added about a buck to the cost.

I hope you don't mind if I bug you about "how to" soon. I figure I'll do a fair share of stupid things and lose some plants, but if I can get hydro and especially cloning down I'll be one happy camper.

OK, now I'm getting concerned. The plants outside are starting to show fruit. The indoor plants have zero. I have a small fan that I move around inside, I've done the gentle shake, and even have tried using a paint brush.

In one more week I change to bloom nutrients. Since the nutrients I'm using were made for hemp, could it be retarding the polination? Any ideas?
I did some research based on your reply. That makes sense. Thank you. The bloom fertilzer should take care of that balance. I feel better now. With the size of these plants, it will be worth the extra time to start producing. The grow fertilzer was a 3 month supply and the bloom another three months.

Another question, can I clone these plants at the end of the season or do I have to start them in their prime. I hope to grow year round with this system.
As long as the plant is healthy you should be able to take cuttings. I often take cuttings in the fall for over-wintering.