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pics Hydro, shadehouse and garden pics


I started off with just a fluro for my seedling box and have decided to grow hydro. Ended up potting on a few into Coco Peat and squishing it in next to the box. These soon took off and quickly had run out of room.(They look so much more healthy than outdoors chillies). So I have asked my partner to build me a temporary hydro setup until we put up the big shed and eventually turn the whole room into one big setup.

I think I will wash off the soil of some of my other chilli plants and put them in there now since I have more room.
I alo have a shadehouse that he built - think I will have to put some plastic over it soon for winter, Tonnes of plants under our pergola (will post soon) and a few in the side garden beds.

Original seedling setup

New temporary hydro setup

Some of my HOT plants
Woops, one of the Choc Habs is actually a Choc Bhut, sorry
Glad to hear we have another coco coir convert! My favorite growing medium by far. Are you just hand-watering the coco at this point?

Plants looking great though, hope you get some good pods off them before the cold hits. It's just about hitting 100s here so I imagine it's starting to cool off down there.
Txclosetgrower said:
Glad to hear we have another coco coir convert! My favorite growing medium by far. Are you just hand-watering the coco at this point?

Plants looking great though, hope you get some good pods off them before the cold hits. It's just about hitting 100s here so I imagine it's starting to cool off down there.

Yep just hand watering for now. Had to move them out of that tiny first setup, they were growing on top of each other! :)
Hopefully will pot them into bigger pots soon and then set them up to automatic, but may wait until the big shed is ready. Depends on how much time we have and how long we think it will take to build. I want it pretty big.
Its a shame the light was on, doesn't show the nice green colour ;)
Yep me too thats why we are building it so they stay warmer. Have a heater in there at the front that we may put on if it is too cold in there. Hopefully nothing catches fire.
We have actually had a couple of weeks with nice warm days around 27degrees with no rain so alot are flowering now. Doubt I'll get a huge crop but good to have a few. I planted most of them too late or was too busy to pot them on when they were seedlings and they stayed small.
Yeah, gotta love coco it works well as a hydro medium even with hand-watering. One tip I have just as a preventative measure is to let a good bit of run-off come out of the pots each time you water in coco. This keeps salts from building up or the pH from getting off, since you're flushing it as you water.
Txclosetgrower said:
Yeah, gotta love coco it works well as a hydro medium even with hand-watering. One tip I have just as a preventative measure is to let a good bit of run-off come out of the pots each time you water in coco. This keeps salts from building up or the pH from getting off, since you're flushing it as you water.

Thanks for the tip, prob haven't been watering as much as I should have cos then I would have to refill the watering can again:rolleyes:
Will stop being lazy though now :)
BTW i will send your parcel express, in a bag so should be good.

I will send a woozie of Naga mash too ;)