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I ate a Naga

This is the one with your name on it, it is still on the plant and gathering oil as we speak. you sure you wanna do it mel? It will be bloody painful, get you used to pain for when you have a pup i suppose :D
cool...waiting patiently
all preparation i guess! no doubt it will be nothing compared to what will be *hopefully* later in the year..

although i am cringing ... it looks nasty! in a good kinda way :P
"Giving birth is like taking your lower lip and forcing it over your head." -- Carol Burnett.
looking forward to it!! although the video might only be half of the chilli .. i might have to use the rest of it to spike MrMels dinner!
AlabamaJack said:
"Giving birth is like taking your lower lip and forcing it over your head." -- Carol Burnett.

When giving birth at least the woman gets to bring home a baby. Eating a Douglah just means more pain at the opposite and of the body some time later...
mel said:
looking forward to it!! although the video might only be half of the chilli .. i might have to use the rest of it to spike MrMels dinner!

Just do whatever you deem appropriate, these things are insane.
Yes sir, to be honest i had forgotten *kicks at ground* However pm me with you addy mate, i have some dried right now.

Edit: I will send you a half a dried one too.
Wildfire Chilli Australia said:
Hey.. while you are giving out candy Nova, I'll take one or half of one? :drooling:

You will have to wait until the other pods ripen! No worries though i have around a dozen pods that are coloring up and should be ready in about a week and a half. Pm me.
LordViykor said:
I picked a Dorset Naga chilli yesterday, today after much hesitation I decided to eat it to see if was as hot as it's claimed to be.

It was a new experience in heat and pain, without a doubt it is the hottest chilli I've ever ingested. The burning sensation in my mouth went for over ten minutes. I resorted to some milk ...and yoghurt to bring things back to normal.

After 15 minutes my stomach was still feeling the effects of this chilli. The missus said I should have videoed it.

An hour after I ate it, my stomach was still unsettled. The 'burn' went for maybe twenty minutes in total, the first ten were the worst.

I had lost some sensation of taste for a little while, don't think I'll be trying this again in a hurry.

LordViykor ate a Naga Jolokia
Thinking it was a new Pancea
It burnt his mouth and burnt his ass
He felt worser than a sore Jackass