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I ate a Naga

Novacastrian said:
Chain of custody?

You know, like in the police TV shows, documented that the chille that is sent is the chilli that is ate............no switching of the products~~~

Oh i am sure that everyone will be able to tell that it is a Douglah just by looking at it! That and when poor Mel starts to hallucinate!! :rofl:
I wonder if mel has any idea what she is going to do. There is no way to prepare for the superhots.

One thing is for sure - she'll never be scared of a hab again:lol:

Do you have rubber gloves mel? Use them!
i do have rubber gloves.. but remember guys - i didnt agree to eat all of it!! should be entertaining - for you all anyways! I'm considering having several drinks before attempting a taste :)

I seem to have high-jacked LV's thread.. apologies sir...
mel said:
i do have rubber gloves.. but remember guys - i didnt agree to eat all of it!!

You'll need the gloves even more if you are cutting it in pieces.

Maybe you should start a new thread? "Mel's Suicide Attempt by Douglah"???
He wont mind. I applaud your courage Mel, i would probably recommend no more than a quarter of the pod that i am sending. If you really girly on us though we will taunt you! :lol:
MrArboc said:
You'll need the gloves even more if you are cutting it in pieces.

Maybe you should start a new thread? "Mel's Suicide Attempt by Douglah"???

Your idea and a great one. I say get to it!
Novacastrian said:
He wont mind. I applaud your courage Mel, i would probably recommend no more than a quarter of the pod that i am sending. If you really girly on us though we will taunt you! :lol:

somehow i doubt it will end up being a girly video.. i have a feeling there will be lots of swearing and snotty nose.... eeeewwwww
LV 1st naga i had was a dorset and thought was going to have a heart attack so can relate to ya dude LOL

Hey Mel, if got nothin on Saturday and wanna some1 to do a Douglah with ya ((hands up)) only tested a Lil 1 last year and got em a touch bigger this season so gonna do a decent size 1 to see how they go oh yay
oohhh... thank you!! it sounds tempting - but keep in mind I'm nowhere in your league!!! I'll see how I go about convincing MrMel its worth the drive up on Saturday :) I'll give Nova's a go when I get it and maybe come join you on the weekend :P

I've got me some great ideas for a naga-guinness-beef pie that I want to cook up.. I can bring some for you!
Noshownate said:
Man I can't wait to pop a whole douglah
but i barely even know any of ya
soo i guess im just gonna have to let it grow
then finally I'll be able to l put on a show
Oh and this isnt a cry for free seeds or pods
I will leave this up to the pepper gods

Good one buddy....keep 'em coming
Mel what's the hottest pepper you've eaten up to now?

You can't prepare for them and until you eat your first one you have no idea of the heat/pain they bring. I've only gotten as far as a Red Savina and I thought I was sucking on a red chunk of charcoal. The idea of eating a superhot all by itself just scares the hell out of me. The best thing to remember is it will pass.

Good luck.