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I came home to see this..

I was on a trip last Sat. thru Wed. and when I got home
(after getting kissed nearly to death by Gunner:))I went
out to check on my plants and I saw this....

Thats my Jalapeno Tam they were just starting to grow
before I left the pic isnt great so you cant
see all of the fruits must be at least 10
I am so geeked that they grew that much so fast
and all of my plants have either flowers or buds now
and a few have fruits starting even my youngins
have buds cant wait to try some.:)
Perhaps it's true that a watched pot never blooms!

Seriously, last year I stuck about six plants in the garden and treated them the same way as the toms, eggs, spuds, beans. Never checked them for aphids, didn't watch for drooping leaves, noticed flowers the same way I would on the other plants. They turned out great. Now if I don't check them twice a day, I feel like an neglectful father.

wordwiz said:
Now if I don't check them twice a day, I feel like an neglectful father.


I hear you on that!!I check mine or look em over
at least 5 times a day.Its a combination of Boredom,
letting the puppy out,and Severe Obsession:lol::lol:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
I hear you on that!!I check mine or look em over
at least 5 times a day.Its a combination of Boredom,
letting the puppy out,and Severe Obsession:lol::lol:

i regret to say i do to h.p.f..its a little addictive at times :rolleyes:;)