I.D. Please

Received these pepper seeds from a friend, Don't know what they are for sure, VERY HOT,:mouthonfire: when you cut them open, you start coughing...don't know what else to say, make the Orange and red Habs seem mild in comparison, few seeds.
I will take a pic of the plant and flower tomorrow, once the rain (hopefully) ceases, This shows the average size, fairly uniform in size.

smaller pic shows the tip better

Any Ideas:?:
Bentalphanerd, I will have a look today at the flowers, thanks for the link.
Imaguitargod, they are uniform size, but the peppers are all over the place when it comes to being smooth, and they turn a very dark red when fully mature
I haven't met a Naga in person yet, but it sure looks like a young one. Maybe another week or two on the plant would have them looking more gnarly.

IGG of course has been had intimate and well documented relations with them.
Kinda looks like a naga to me, but the stems seem too thick, and the skin is kind of funny looking especially at the tip.
I grow Red Fatalii and it's a dead ringer. I'm guessing that's it. There is a strain that looks just like the yellow version, yet red in color.

cmpman1974 said:
I grow Red Fatalii and it's a dead ringer. I'm guessing that's it. There is a strain that looks just like the yellow version, yet red in color.

Oh cool, I didn't even realize there was a red fatalii. How does it compare in heat the gold?