Oh I am hot as a pepper here!!!!! My grown ds called me from AZ today... i told him none of my seeds are sprouting and I am a bit surprised. He then asked me if I used the seeds in the turquoise box... my seed case. I of course said yes. And he proceeded to tell me that that box sat in his gf car for two weeks before they sent it to me after a move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People it gets over 110 daily in AZ. I think my seeds.... LOTS of them are bunk now...... I am to angry to cry, too poor to replace right now and too far away to drive over there(I am in CA) and tell her off. Why they(neither of them) ever told me until now..... months later i dont know. But it looks like I wont have peppers unless by some miracle seed something survived the torture!
My plan is to just plant them all.... every variety and see if ANYTHING comes up... i am just SICK over this loss. And just when I finally acquired a community garden plot at the local university arboretum after being on a waiting list for 5 years.... wahhhhhh. I knew I could come here and whine, cry and scream... because you all would understand........
My plan is to just plant them all.... every variety and see if ANYTHING comes up... i am just SICK over this loss. And just when I finally acquired a community garden plot at the local university arboretum after being on a waiting list for 5 years.... wahhhhhh. I knew I could come here and whine, cry and scream... because you all would understand........