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i didnt blow it but DS did!!!

Oh I am hot as a pepper here!!!!! My grown ds called me from AZ today... i told him none of my seeds are sprouting and I am a bit surprised. He then asked me if I used the seeds in the turquoise box... my seed case. I of course said yes. And he proceeded to tell me that that box sat in his gf car for two weeks before they sent it to me after a move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People it gets over 110 daily in AZ. I think my seeds.... LOTS of them are bunk now...... I am to angry to cry, too poor to replace right now and too far away to drive over there(I am in CA) and tell her off. Why they(neither of them) ever told me until now..... months later i dont know. But it looks like I wont have peppers unless by some miracle seed something survived the torture! :onfire: :hell:
My plan is to just plant them all.... every variety and see if ANYTHING comes up... i am just SICK over this loss. And just when I finally acquired a community garden plot at the local university arboretum after being on a waiting list for 5 years.... wahhhhhh. I knew I could come here and whine, cry and scream... because you all would understand........ :hell: :tear:
I think dry seeds at 110° would probably be ok....if you are germinating them in moist medium, at 78-85°, they should eventually sprout.
Shoot, I had one seed germinate after 90 days!!!

Also, Last year I sun dried some habanero pods outside in 100-115° temps.... and the few seeds that I sowed from those pods germinated.

Even more surprising is the terrible looking seeds I purchased from Canada. I was sure they would never pop in a million years, but amazingly after 12 days, there are seven that germinated today.

So all hope is not lost.
:rolleyes: Well Chris it has been 12 days and NOTHING has popped up. In years of growing i have never waited this long for even one ot pop up. Like i said I am going to plant some more from my collection and see if anything survived.... i estimate the temps were about 114-116 there and then inside a hot car... i dont know how much hotter it gets in the car but my hot and my sweet pepper seeds may all be toast. I am not hopeless, just angry and sad.... i will get over it , but maybe not this season... :hot:

Phil, I dont know what i 'need'... what i had planted so far was:
Lemon drop(my fav)
Purple jalapeno
early jalapeno
bishop hat
peter pepper
tangerine dream
bolivian rainbow
and a med hot unknown from a japanese man i met.
If it was me, I would sow them all, and see what happens.
I would also get some more seeds, and sow all of those too.
But then again I am a seed sowing maniac....lol

Seriously though, they can take a lot more abuse/heat in dried seed form than you think.
Now if the germ tray got to 116°, they would be done for.....

Shoot, I just yesterday had a seed pop that was in the germ tray for 28 days. It isn't that uncommon.
Especially if your germination setup is less than ideal.

What are you using to germinate your seeds?
It really might not be the heat. In fact, I'd say it's unlikely that heat is the problem. I lived in Houston about 30 years, so I am familiar with how hot the insides of cars get. Still, you'd be surprised what dry seeds can survive through. However, there are many factors that could cause them not to germinate. If you didn't give them a bath in peroxide and water before attempting to germinate, for example, they might have had some dormant nasties that reactivated when you got them wet. Mold is a very common thing that kills seeds once they're dampened, for example. Also, the temperature you have them at once you get them wet makes a difference. And, of course, the maturity of the pods they came from can impact them - seeds from immature pods often are not viable. I'd recommend calming down and looking at other factors.
I used a seed start mix in 2" pots, indoors, covered with plastic, some on top of fridge for warmth and a few others in kitchen warmth area with floures. lighting. It has always worked in the past. I guess tomorrow i will just plant a bunch and see if anything comes up.... but like i said i am not holding my breath LOL.... no i did not do the hydrogen peroxide trick to these.
If you have a thermometer, check the temps in those locations.
That is where I would start.
Then I would sow every seed you can get your hands on.

Don't forget the peroxide trick. I don't use that trick, but hey, if in doubt, do everything you can.

And worse case scenario is to get a few seedlings from a local nursery.
The available varieties would be limited, but better than none at all.....
I have a TON of Butch T and Chocolate Bhut seeds if you would like. I know neither were on your list, but I'll happily send ya 10 of each if you'd be interested. Mind you, it'll have to wait until the missouri blizzard all melts down; wouldn't want anything to happen to them in the process.

The Butch Ts came directly from Butch, so I'm positive those are good. The bhuts came from someone on this forum, so I can't speak for if they were isolated or not. Both stocks came out of pods from last year, so they're rather fresh.
I sent you two a pm..... and I will try the hydrogen peroxide thing and plant the toasted seeds tomorrow and see what happens.

Reply sent. This site has hooked me up a few times now, I see this as the perfect time to pay it forward... Fair warning, the pods those came out of were NUCLEAR hot--especially the Butch Ts. :onfire: Those BTs were the pods that made me quit eating whole super-hots!
:rolleyes: Okay.... so update I have 16 baggies with different varieties of peppers in wet papertowel, about 10 seeds each. And I have had them on heat mat for 4 days. And I have ONE seed that looks like it may germinate... it is a sweet large yellow bell. Every other kind shows NO sign of anything yet.... may be toast, we will see in a few more days..... sigh.