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I Give Up(Thinking about it)

Well I am seriously considering giving up for the season. Seems I am doing thinks wrong and cant seem to get my plants all nice
thick stemmed tall bushy and no buds yet. so my plan is my naga,bhut,fatalli seem to be the best looking plants and I will plant those out soon but thats about it.This is seriously frustrating me to know end so whatever happens happens.I have the apple orchard to fall back on for fall harvest and I have my seeds stored in the basement fruit cellar which is dark and cool and all are in ziplocks so next season I will try again.So much for "hard hard can it be to grow chile peppers":lol:
dont think the weather is helping from u.k,portugal,carribean we all seem to be having coler weather and my plants..the smaller ones just seemed to have stopped in there tracks..as you say the taller varieties seem leggy put i think you should give it a little more time as it seems summer is coming later in the year and milder right through to december..hows your weather been the last couple of years?
We're not all POTAWIEs! we can't control the weather, and we don't all have a PhD in growing chiles. so we try and sometimes we fail.
The only thing we can do is try again. :)
I would keep nursing them along, they might surprise you. It has been really cool and wet, at least here. Heck, I haven't even started harding mine yet, planning on setting them all out this weekend (if all goes well). Never give up...
Pepperfreak said:
I would keep nursing them along, they might surprise you. It has been really cool and wet, at least here. Heck, I haven't even started harding mine yet, planning on setting them all out this weekend (if all goes well). Never give up...

Pepperfreak's right, nurse them along till the weather gets alittle better (weather here in NEPA has been aweful cold and wet)....once they get outside in the sun and heat they'll shape up.:onfire:
HPFF...as you know, this is my first year starting from seed and I have "loved" my plants too much and caused damage. I have made many mistakes and lost plants too. We both have to use this year as a learning experience but keep on trying. If it were not for the people on this site, I would have probably lost the whole crop. At the end of the season, I will post all the mistakes I have made this year for others to see so they will not make the same ones I have. Don't get me wrong, I am keeping on keeping on. The only plant I have that is bushy is the Orange Hab I cut back at the end of last season and brought along through the winter. All the rest are tall (except the stunted ones which is another story for another time) but they are still producing peppers. Lots of flowers, small peppers, and buds so the season is cranking up. I still hate aphids and am still in the fight to eradicate them.

Our weather here has turned right down hot...high 90s in the day and low 70s at night...I got a feeling it is going to be a very hot summer down here in Texas.

Keep your chin up and don't stop trying. Nurse your plants along and they will do well for you and produce a good crop.
Don't give up man, be patient the plants will flower when they are ready.
I still have lots of problems too, and I always learn something new every year. If I didn't learn something, then I think growing would be much less fun. Good luck
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Well I am seriously considering giving up for the season.

Sorry to hear this. I am having troubles myself but this is my first time growing just about anything. I think part of this hobby are the ups and downs. I've already killed off a couple of plants and I think that makes me a little more crazy about the ones that are still looking good.

Hopefully I don't love them to death :shocked:

Well Good Luck! Its still early in the season.
Mine are just budding now -- the 5-6 zones are slower IM dealing with weather as well... dont give up... What is wrong? maybe its something simple... we tend to over love ... I look at mine everyday sometimes its best to wait a day or two and actually see the results happen instead of trying this and trying that all in a matter of hours...
usually plants do not flower or give fruit till very late in the season like august the fact so me of us have fruit is because we started very early. defuinatly don't give up don't think about it for a few days and you will see you were just being a over concerned.
HPFF please don't give up. I'd keep going and if things fail it just makes you wiser next time, if not wiser at least more determined. You will grow chillis, just like you definitely will have a fantastic dog called Gunner. I'll whip your arse if you give up ;)
I give up:lol:
Same here.


Hey, I was there about six weeks ago. The peppers had been sown for six weeks, they were yellow looking, had aphids, weren't growing. I got some good advice from various people, got on aonce a week watering schedule, used some diluted ammonia nitrate in the water once and suddenly, the plants turned greener and started growing. I sowed 65 seeds and either due to not germinating or dying, I have 50 containers. Two died after transplanting, so there is always that chance. But hey, last year I bought 45 tomato plants from various garden stores and six of them died.

I'll certainly do a lot of things differently next year, from the trays I sow the seeds in to the type of lights I use - the LEDs are impressive, at least for tomatoes.
