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I Got Pepper Scammed!

Bhut Jolokia seeds from the original world record holder right here: http://www.chilepepperinstitute.org/ This is the only place I have ever bought Bhut Jolokia seeds and as long as they're in business it will remain that way.

Sorry to hear you got burned by another asshole ripping people off. I hate the SOB's. I would love to send them a note about their thieving habits. Bastards. Think I will.
well i might order some more from hippy but since he's caught up himself, is it going to take weeks on end for my seeds to arrive, cause i already ordered from thechilipeppercompany and they said it was gonna be a few weeks. ahhh! im fustrated.

ok, so the majority of everyone states that its atleast some form of hab. i guess we just gotta wait and see.

I ordered some butch t's from the hippie seed company and had them in a week. Ordered them 2 Fridays ago and they arrived last Friday.
Wanna see my "Dorset Nagas"?



It's not worth mentioning where I got the seeds as the seller no longer operates, but yeah, unfortunately it happens....

Also, +1 on THSC and PepperLover. Excellent quality seeds that grow true to what they're supposed to and fantastic service. They are my two main sources!
Nice lookin whatevers gas! :D
Yeah, whatever they are, they are going off! :onfire:

It's just a shame (and frustrating as hell) that they're not what they're supposed to be....

I dunno, I've had such bad luck with Dorset Nagas and have yet to actually see one single pod that I guess it's just not meant to be! :mope:
Yep I got my Caribbean red habs that were supposed to be bhuts last year. Life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Enjoy them and get you seeds through members on here. most likely will cost less or at least freebies with them.
they sure do resemble caribbean red..........least they are not fresno!

Heeeeeeey...I resemble that remark!

Also, on topic, totally agree with The Hippy Seed fans. I've got a backyard full of plants thanks to Neil. And some Pepperlover seeds saved my fatali season this year. I've wanted to try out NMSU, but I'm up to my ears as it is. :crazy:
Same thing happened to me last year ... bought Bhut seeds from Seedrack.com ... and the ended up Caribbean Reds.

I enjoyed my harvest anyway ... huge producers ... what else ya gonna do :crazy:

This year I got all my seeds ... from Judy at Pepperlover.com

I went all Trinidad ... 80 under lights ... and waiting for warmer weather :woohoo:
Caribbean Red Habanero is my guess. Your not the first to buy and this isnt the first company to sell them as such.

Enjoy your Caribs, they are a nice pepper :)
Looks to be some sort of habanero. Cant really tell until they are ripe. Judging by the shape it could be a carib red?? It seems everyone who gets scammed thinking they are getting bhuts get carib reds.
As Alphaeon said..if they are carib reds they are a very nice variety
Look like Caribbean Red Habanero's to me...if you're after heat these should deliver. Not bhut jolokia hot but pretty hot in their own right.
Carribbean red hab is my guess. Those are pretty hot as well. Might not be what u wanted/thought but you will still like
they sure do resemble caribbean red..........least they are not fresno!
+1 on most likely Carribean Reds. I purchased 4 seedlings on ebay last year from hirts gardens that were supposed to be Bhut Jolokias but they all turned out to be Carribean Reds.
Yep I got my Caribbean red habs that were supposed to be bhuts last year. Life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Enjoy them and get you seeds through members on here. most likely will cost less or at least freebies with them.
I feel the need to say something. "Caribbean Red Hot"/"Caribbean Red" Habanero is a very specific variety of chile.
Over the last couple of years I've grown it from many different sources and only few lived up to the test. the flavor of the Caribbean Red is not "hab-like" and is unique. there are endless red C. chinense chiles that look the same, but it doesn't make them true. first of all, all the Caribbean Reds with that wonderful flavor were half transparent until fully ripen and showed veins. out of those, only several chiles looked like the traditional look people think Caribbean Reds look like. had a longer and a shorter version as well.

Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is... Caribbean Reds are hard to come by even if you look for them. they've become somewhat of a brand, so any red C. chinense, especially the ones from the Caribbeans (True Caribbean Reds are from Mexico) are labeled as Caribbean Reds. Caribbean Reds ARE NOT red Habaneros!

Not only they don't show veins and it is VERY unlikely they are in fact Caribbean Reds, they haven't even turn red yet.

I had the same exact thing happen to me last season. 9GreenBox used to be Hirt's Gardens but they got so many bad reviews (from people like me) that they had to change their name. I complained to Amazon.com about this company and yet they allow them to continue selling there. Do not be afraid to post bad reviews and complain to Amazon. Maybe it will actually work...
I just noticed that if you log into your Amazon account you can attempt to edit their information on the seller page. One of the options is to update the description and another is to show that you have picture proof that the item is different than listed. If the guy really is falsely labelling his items it should be strong enough grounds for Amazon to boot him if you can provide proof.
Thanks for the support everyone! My "habs" or "carribean reds" are getting pretty big. ill take a photo as soon as they starts changing color. On the bright side, my REAL bhuts arrived in the mail from thechilipeppercompany. Im pre soaking them now, because i had healthier looking plants when i pre soaked them for 24 hours (or was it 12 hours?) than the ones i germinated in paper towels. ill take some porn pics when they sprout in a week or so.
Good deal on getting seeds from a seller you can trust. You can grow pretty much year 'round where you're at right? Best of luck with them.
Good deal on getting seeds from a seller you can trust. You can grow pretty much year 'round where you're at right? Best of luck with them.

LOL yeah its 77 degrees here during winter with the ocassional drop down to 65. I've been watering my plants once a week and as the days go on, ive started to feed them almost twice a week. the days are getting hotter and hotter over here in Miami. And +1 on sellers you can trust. Atleast now I have two different varieties of peppers to make a sauce with :dance:
Cool, ill send more pics in a couple weeks and ask again. I had to reorder some jolokia seeds cause i was really looking forward to the jolokias and i was very disappointed. I bought them myself this time. I went to the hippycompany but ive been trying to ask them question and im guessing the arent too internet savvy cause it takes them a week at a time to reply to an email. i ended up buying some from thechilipeppercompany. although they are located out of the states and they told me that they are going to be behind schedule and they didnt really give me a time frame. this sux! lol
they are getting killed right now with orders for their butch t scorpions, probably the reason it takes them a while to get back to you. Last I heard they were getting 200+ inquiries a day for orders just for the butch t's.