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I had NO idea...

...that my red bell peppers would turn out HOT if I planted them next to the habaneros...they turned out sweet AND spicy!

Who knew??? LOL!!

Going to use them in my hot sauce this year!
You should taste my hot broccoli :rolleyes:
paulky_2000 said:
Now THAT is interesting!!

He is pulling your leg, if you didn't know that. Peppers do not show crosses immediately. There is no way you taste heat from your bells "crossing" with some habs unless you saved seeds from last year.
Oh no, i sense another person is going to join the notwinometer.....

Edit: Just saw your post milly, if he did save seeds from last year he will dodge the ole meter...
Novacastrian said:
Oh no, i sense another person is going to join the notwinometer.....

Edit: Just saw your post milly, if he did save seeds from last year he will dodge the ole meter...

Lets hope so.
thehotpepper.com said:
You should taste my hot broccoli :rolleyes:


QuadShotz said:

That's great...I love it!!!

I thought I'd show you all some photos of what (was supposed to be red bell peppers) I ended up with:




I put the green bell pepper and the habaneros in the photo for scale. The reds were growing right next to the habs, while the green peppers were further away.

I bought all three plants as seedlings at Wal-Mart back in the late spring.

I guess my question is this:

If the habaneros DIDN'T cause the heat and the odd shape, then are these, if fact, NOT red bell peppers at all? And if they're not....what the heck are they?

I'm not trying to sound dense....but I truly don't have the answer and I'd very much like your help!


p.s. They taste awesome....especially on a hoagie bun with Italian sausage and onions!
paulky_2000 said:
If the habaneros DIDN'T cause the heat and the odd shape, then are these, if fact, NOT red bell peppers at all? And if they're not....what the heck are they?

They could be anything, probably a cross between red bell and something hot that got planted and sold as red bell.
A noob is exempt from the failometer!!

Shame on you!

I had a guy (customer) just yesterday insist to me that my 7 pot was NOT the hottest pepper on earth.....that his habaneros are.....

This was proven, by the fact that his wife would not let him grow these habs next to her tomatos, which would then be spicy, just due to the proximity to these super habs.

I finally had to pretend to believe him.:(

The customer is always right, even when he is an uneducated deuche.

All I wanted was an answer...and all you all want to do is play games. I tried to fluff it off, but you persist. I'm truly sorry I asked.
