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breeding I has an Aji Lemon+????? Cross

Txclosetgrower said:
Maybe the yellow one would have turned red if left alone longer?

Still wouldn't be credible...

Alright, i am taking all this in guys but i still haven't got it figured out yet.
What TCG says could make sense but the yellow pod tasted like Aji Lemon. I will have to wait until the other pods ripen before i can say if they turn red, can't see how that can be the case when it is supposed to be an Aji Lemon though.

My thoughts at the moment tend to lean towards my neighbour pulling my leg so to speak, for the life of me i can't figure out why he would do that though, considering he knows how much i love my chillis (well that may be just the reason!)

Mr Bean can you explain how you figured they were not from the same plant by looking at the pods, my untrained eye is just that.

It's still tripping me out, i will talk to him later and try to establish if he is in fact pulling my leg or if he has simply lost his marbles, my bet is on the latter!!

Btw, the AJI pod had like four seeds, the red pod had over twenty.
mr.a, showned you the stem caps. they're different.

pod shape close but still not the same & I highly doubt the yellow pod would ever turn red (just a guess & IMO)

too many things stacked against the odd's & you say they're your buddy & not a full fledge chilehead, so I tend to side that he's wrong or pulling your leg. or he got ahold of your stash & was confused.
Nice avator CH, and thanks for the comments and your opinion. I still wanna see two diff pods on the plant though!!!

I haven't had a chance to have a chat with him about it yet, i'll get a pic of the plant in question tomorrow. Thanks all : )
Thanks Potawie, i am very lazy when it comes to the proper names of peppers, i plant it and hope it grows :)

When it comes to baccatum, frukenwhateva, i am blind.
chilehunter said:
mr.a, showned you the stem caps. they're different.

Exactly, and as POTAWIE pointed out in a post it looks like pods from two different species and not just different varieties. Surely not from the same plant:)
This is the chart for how each species generally crosses with the other.

............................c.annuum .....c. baccatum..... c. chinense .....c. frutescens.... c. pubescens
c. annuum ............prolific ...........sporadic..........prolific............. sporadic........... not at all
c. baccatum .........sporadic......... prolific........... sporadic........... sporadic........... not at all
c. chinense ..........prolific............ sporadic........ prolific.............. sporadic........... not at all
c. frutescens .......sporadic......... sporadic........ sporadic............ prolific............. not at all
c. pubescens.......not at all.......... not at all....... not at all ............not at all........... prolific
One thing to consider, what if there were two seeds in the pot you gave him. To him it may look like one plant, but there might actually be two coming up close together.
Pam said:
One thing to consider, what if there were two seeds in the pot you gave him. To him it may look like one plant, but there might actually be two coming up close together.

Now thats the sanest thing i have heard all day:P i shall check that.