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I hate a thief.....


There's something about people breaking into a home that is about as low as one can go. A guy came in my house once while we were on vacation and stole a bunch of pop bottles and a few old coins. Not a lot of money, but we were pretty poor at the time. We couldn't "prove" he did it, but knew he did. I saw the guy at a supermarket a couple of weeks later and in front of a checkout clerk and lots of customers, announced in a loud voice: "Kenny, you thief, you ever set foot on my property again and I'll blow your brains out with my 20-gauge."

Believe it or not, no one's face that I saw registered shock, it was more like this is how things are handled in the country.

I'm glad you got your camper fixed and had a good time at the jamboree. Adams County, Ohio and Louisville, KY used to have a Bluegrass Festival. They were a lot of fun to attend.

We went to one in Louisville and some jerk cop had put parking tickets on a bunch of cars. I collected them, stuck them in an envelope with a note they were passed out wrongly and sent them back to the Police Department.

:lol: gigglin here Mike...the weird thing about the trailer was that low life had touched everything in there...we sanitized the entire trailer on the way to the pines...speaking of...we decided to get all the instruments that people wanted to show and put them next to the stage...there is easily 100K in musical instruments...not bad for a small crowd of about 150 huh...
