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I hate hail...

Got hit real bad by hail storm today...Was too devastated to take pics or really work on the garden..I think the peppers did better then the maters and eggplants...But everything got pounded pretty good..Tomato patch is two feet shorter and packed in like a cube of vines..
Hail here today too.
here is the hail storm that hit us yesterday, 

it's the fourth one this year, not easy to grow pepper in  this
Well look out today Mike this rain is crazy..Last year I was running the well dry trying to keep up with the watering..This year my rain barrels have been full most of the summer..
catherinew said:
So sorry about the hail. 4x this year is horrible. Hope your plants survived some of the devastation for the hard work you did this year.
Yes, they survived thanks to the protection I have done for these poor little plants that must grow in this mad climate.
I have a steel wire stretched at the top of each row on which I place geotextile when the cumulonimbus Cumulonimbus settles in the region.