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I hate meeces to pieces

Some nasty little rodent has been chomping all the leaves of my pepper plants and stealing the unripe Chiles. He also saw fit to eat all my strawberries too. Anyone have any tips for getting rid of the rodents that wont harm my dogs ?

I hope the plants have time to recover before the seasons end.
I guess you could try spraying the plants with a strong chilli concoction, although if they're eating the unripe ones then maybe they like the heat.... :hell:
Nice avatar by the way Rab. :)
Rodents hate high pitch frequencies. You can order such devices online, or go to home depot or any hardware store or nursery and find them. They're usually like a stake that goes into the ground and they emit super high frequency pulses that will ward off any rodents. Another way is to lay out some crackers topped with honey and some dried or ripe pieces of chili pepper. I've used both methods for different critters and they both work =P. The chili crackers were for raccoons, you will find some critter puke around if you know it worked, and they likely won't return. Hope this helps!

Just use the old original type of mouse trap baited with a small bit ripped from the center of a slice of bread that has been kneaded between your fingers until it's the consistency of dough. It's difficult for them to steal the dough bait and I usually catch 2 or 3 before needing to bait the trap again. Dogs usually won't bother it, but if they do one scare will be all that's needed to stop a repeat visit. ;)
Or if you want to do the kind hearted hippy way. You can get a 3.5 or 5 gallon bucket. Tie a string through an aluminum pop can or beer. Tie both ends to the side of the bucket. Now put a board up to the string from the ground so the mouse can get up there. Spread some peanut butter and bread crumbs on the pop can. Usually when they try to eat it, the pop can spins sending them to the bottom of the bucket. Then take said mouse and feed him to nearest reptile. Thank you.
I have dawgs that like to check everything out . I got an old dog bowl and put a small scrap of 1x2 under one side to raise it up enough the mouse could get under it. Then I put a cement block on top so the dogs couldn't uncover the mouse trap.

P. Dreadie
This question comes up quite alot on tomato forums, apparently the fake owls they sell at HD work pretty well. You can also get the bobble-head owl as well. I've also heard that fake snakes work.

I live on a cattle/horse farm, so there are mice everywhere unfortunately. We use our animals and nature to combat them. There are tons of snakes out here, and alot of hawks and owls. My two cats and Jack Russell are extremely skilled mice hunters(and lizard and squirell).

Plenty of cats in my neighborhood but none in my yard. My dogs are not very tolerant of visitors into my yard with the exception of the odd skunk but they dont bother them (fortunately). We occasionally get racoons and Squirrels but I make sure the dogs stay well clear of those too (Nasty SOB's). I dont think Squirrels bother Pepper plants do they ?

Thanks for the advice I have plenty to do this weekend.
I dont think Squirrels bother Pepper plants do they ?

Squirrels are opportunistic feeders, they eat pretty much everything they can, tiny seeds or baby birds - it's all food to them. And they are fairly heavy so they could destroy a chileplant just by investigating it... tasting the fruit witch might not be hot if it isn't ripe enough (food!) and ripping the leaves by climbing.
Traditional mouse trap (or the new style plastic ones that don't have the wires), peanut butter for bait (just a little bit will stick to the paddle and the smell will linger even after the bait is gone) and a coffee can or similar small container with a plastic lid.

Cut a small hole at the edge of the lid big enough for a critter to crawl through. While holding the can on it's side, put the trap in the can, put the lid on and lay it on it's side with the hole at the bottom so the critter can crawl inside, but the dogs can't get to it.

We've used that set up in our house more than once since the cat likes to bring his "treasures" into the house and sometimes they ain't quite dead when he brings them in.
Peanut butter is definitely my bait of choice for mice...sticky traps work great too, especially with a dab of PB in the middle.

Head shots with a .22 loaded with CB shorts, fried squirrels are yummy! :D

The big males go to the dog, the young ones go to the freezer.
Mom just called me to remove a rat in a trap as i was reading this LMAO! What are the odds! Big rat 'twas. Yeah i use peanut butter, but i will still place my money on the frequency emiters designed for rodents!
Get some of those "Walk in don't walk out" traps. Put peanut butter inside (at the farthest end) and place them away from your plants possibly near edges of walls or similar.

Then when you catch the bastards, do to them what you please *wink* *wink* :hell:

Trial by fire!