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I hate migraines...


eXtreme Business
I've been a migraine sufferer all my life & today is no exception since I woke up with one & had to call in sick to work. One thing I have to say is that the medication I have to take for it, Imitrex, is almost as bad as the migraine itself. Thus far, it's the only medication proven to actually rid me of the pain of the migraine itself, but the side effects, such as the feeling of being too tired to actually sleep, the general out-of-it feeling like I can't think straight to save my life, and the fact that while it deals with the pain, it really doesn't do much for the other migraine symptoms, such as the audio-visual disturbances (meaning driving a car or doing anything even remotely dangerous which requires my eyes or ears) is pretty much out of the question. Which is why when I get one, I don't drive in to work, since I put not only myself, but others in danger. That, and my sense of smell goes nuts, and becomes super sensitive. Like for example, I can smell the fact that the grass outside my apartment was cut yesterday, and I can even smell the Mater Magic I applied to my peppers last week, despite two waterings.

That being said, making a batch of AJ's puree is unlikely because my sense of smell being so heightened by the migraine will undoubtedly be my undoing. Luckily, I still have tomorrow and Thursday to make it and can it, since Friday is my weekly D&D group, and I know a couple of them are aching to try out some superhot sauces. :)
Magnesium CHLORIDE. Start with 500 mg for a few days then try 500 every 12 hours. If you get the shits go back to 500 once a day. If not > Stick with 1000.
CHLORIDE. Not the other mickey moose crap from Publix.
which brand are you taking? I find the side affects differ from brand to brand. This is the only medication I've ever noticed a difference.
lol I was actually asking about eclap's Imitrex, I've found two of the generic brands have the more than usual awful feeling side-effects. But I will, next time I'm in Costa Rica pick up some of the good Magnesium CHLORIDE. :dance: DFW to San Jose.....just a few hours!! Might be even cheaper to fly into the other airport. I need a vacation.

migrane sufferer here as well.. umm imitrex.. gave me a helluvah neck stiffness.. refuse to take it again.. the only thing that works for me is MIDRIN....
Tried Midren... puked my guts out for what felt like days, because I get some seriously wicked nausea when I get migraines.

And as far as Imitrex goes, even then, I have to use the injectable form of it, since I'd usually puke the pill form right up.
wow, thanks for the heads up on MIDRIN. I've got cluster headaches, but they are vascular as well, so that might work. Oxygen through a non rebreathing mask works like a champ, but its such a pain to carry the tank in to work.
I too get migraines. 3-4 a week some weeks. Imitrex sometimes works with 1 dose but I usually need another... Damn those side effects. Sometimes I cant even find my pills because I cant see due of the aura or amoeba shapes blocking my vision. Why are we being punished with these?
I wish I knew, Nate. I suppose its our lot in life
That does help prevent... so i've been told (wink, wink). I used to take Feverfew (medicinal herb) when I was younger to help prevent them and it worked a bit.
Trust me Carvin, you wouldn't wish it upon your worst enemy.
Listen; You're gonna think I'm a hippy by telling you this, but it really worked for me:

About two years ago I was in pretty bad health and physical condition. Over-eating, poor lifestyle, bad headaches all the time, etc. etc. Somehow even in that sorry state I met a wonderful woman who took an interest in me. She was/is the type of girl who is all into yoga, veganism, and stuff. So, partly out of desire for her, I decided to give the raw food diet a try. Meaning, fruits, veg, raw nuts, and water ONLY! Nothing else. No meat, sugar, or anything processed. I kid you not, within a few weeks, my headaches disappeared completely. All gone. And to this day I still don't get hadaches, even though I've stopped eating raw.

You might want to give it a try too.

P.S. I'm not a hippy! :dance:
My wife gets them every now and then and we have no idea what the triggers are. We've even gone so far as to chronicle her entire day for several months and we couldn't identify anything. She uses the oral Imitrex when we don't catch it in time, but most times she can take Feverfew when she feels the onset it will either stop it or make it so that it's not a full blown migraine. More like just a really bad sinus headache.
Woke up with another one this morning, and it was a doozy. So bad that within five minutes of waking up (a full hour before my alarm), I was communing with the deitis of porcelain. And the kicker was, I only had one shot of Imitrex left, so I've gotta go soon to get my prescription filled by a doc.
I have Ocular Migraine, dizzyness...then the visual part kicks in, I see a bend line starting to build up in my field of view en floats voor 20min and dissapears.

I'm glad I don't heave the bad headache...sounds like hell.