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I hate migraines...

Talk to your drug dealer(they practice medicine) about trying Enalapril. It's cheap enough and wouldn't hurt to try.
I Imagine, like everything else, it's scrip only in da land of The Fee.
I'm not a headache sufferer like many of you here, unless I over indulge the night before! But I did watch a really cool NatGeo vid on YT about cluster headaches and people were ingesting Mushrooms (Yep the Magic ones) and they all claim that when they did this all pain disappeared. They would take this by capsule about once a month, one guy even grew his own. It was an interesting watch.
Clusterbusters they have a site but don't know if it is appropriate to post here. I'm trying it this fall though. Think it's more for cluster vs. Migraine. But both are vascular in origin.
My migraines leave me like a stroke victim, vomitng, headache, unable to communicate(speak, read, write), facial droop, half the body gets numb or worse. Doc says I'll know it's a stroke when nothing helps and it doesn't get better. So, I've experimented a fair amount in dealing with mine.

Yellow lady slipper root extract worked pretty good when made from wild plants which are rare. The store bought is pretty much useless. Most hallucinogenics are completely effective for getting rid of migraines, but they won't help you work. LSD was the most effective migraine treatment I ever found, but the synesthesia can be immensely distracting and if the trip comes on before the migraine is gone things turn ugly. Pot took care of the nausea and pain, but just made me not care about the rest. I used midrin until the advent of Zomig. If it wasn't for the migraine, the stuff could have been a good time. It's like walking through pudding. Zomig nasal spray when taken at the first signs, clears mine in about 15 to 20 minutes. It just leaves me feeling like the day after a migraine. I'm a little slow mentally and physically but essentially functional. The good thing about the nasal spray is that it is absorbed by the sinuses and respiratory system, so it acts fast and isn't affected by vomiting afterwards.
I had a migraine during a job interview yesterday. It was really hard to pay attention but I still won myself a follow up interview for today. Should I or shouldn't I put down on paper that I get Migraines when they ask about medical conditions? At my last job there was somebody else that got alot of them and the boss fired him because of it even though it was on his application when he hired him.

I'd definitely put it down. I did, and since your friend did put it down, and they fired him for it, then he definitely has grounds for a suit...
My mom gets migraines about 3-5 times a week, she is on disability because she has had chronic migraines for most of her life. I feel bad for her and anybody else that suffers from migraines!!! :(

I had a migraine during a job interview yesterday. It was really hard to pay attention but I still won myself a follow up interview for today. Should I or shouldn't I put down on paper that I get Migraines when they ask about medical conditions? At my last job there was somebody else that got alot of them and the boss fired him because of it even though it was on his application when he hired him.


Would that fit under wrongful termination? That sucks!!! Migraines are the grey area when it comes to the work place.
Would that fit under wrongful termination? That sucks!!! Migraines are the grey area when it comes to the work place.

That definitely sounds like wrongful termination, especially since the guy was completely up-front about his migraines in his app when they hired him
Nate, I do a lot of HR-related work, and this response comes from that.
The hiring employer should NOT ask about any medical conditions until after you have agreed to employment - these should NOT appear on the employment application. It is not legal for them to request this information in advance of offer acceptance. It should be included on your ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) form. In fact, anything that may require "reasonable accommodation" should be put there, along with the type of accommodations you are requesting. You should also update your ADA form if you develop a new condition following initial employment.

You should note, though, that "reasonable accommodation" can mean different things for different employers, and even for different jobs at the same employer. For example, if your job does not really require you to be at a desk from 8-5, and you can reasonably perform your job from your house during "off hours" without creating a negative impact for the employer or their business, then letting you work from home in the evenings when you have a migraine during the say is not an unreasonable request. On the other hand, if the job really requires you to be somewhere during specific times of the day (like possibly a sales clerk at a shoe store who needs to be selling shoes during business hours at the store), then asking to work from home during off hours is not reasonable.

It may be helpful if you spend some time thinking now about how you could perform the job if you had a migraine for an extended period. Could you still work if some sort of accommodations are made? What kinds of accommodations might be "reasonable" for the job? Note you have to look at "reasonable accommodations" from the employer's perspective, not your own. If you can come up with an approach or two that would likely work for the employer, put them on the ADA form as accommodations you are requesting. But note, it's not reasonable to expect the employer to simply allow you not to work on a regular basis - even the courts recognize that your job exists for the benefit of the employer's business, and that most employers cannot "carry" an employee who is simply absent.
I haven't had a chance to read the whole thread. Aleve worked wonders for me but I had to stop taking it for my stomach. Earl Gray tea helped with the nausea.
I haven't had a chance to read the whole thread. Aleve worked wonders for me but I had to stop taking it for my stomach. Earl Gray tea helped with the nausea.

Yeah, NSAID's, the whole class of drugs that Aleve is a member of, can do a number on people's stomachs. Working in a hospital as long as I have, and having a mom for a doctor (she's told me no shortage of horror stories about everything under the sun), I've heard about no shortage of incidents where people who had ulcers, for instance, and took an NSAID, then had to go to the ER with some wicked problems. So if you have been prone to them, avoid Aleve, and stick with Tylenol, even if it doesn't work quite as well.

I used to do teas as well, but now I can't even drink water without it coming right back up within seconds during a migraine. It's pretty much forced me to use the injectable form of Imitrex...
EXCEDRIN!!!!! I am a serious migraine sufferer and I definitely feel your pain. I don't know about you, but Excedrin helps me extraordinarily. I've tried the rip-offs of Excedrin and for some reason, Excedrin is the only thing that works for me. Lucky for all headache/migraine sufferers, Excedrin came back on the 18th!!!
nate6279 said:
I got a migraine yesterday and it's trying to make a comeback again now.
Dislike! Migraines do indeed suck, and I've been counting my lucky stars that I haven't gotten one in some time. Going to a chiropractor may have helped :)
       I've suffered diagnosed cluster HA on and off for 8 years.Injectable imitrex is the only thing that stops the hot poker from going thru my right eye.What sucks is I social drink on my weekends,and when I am in cycle,one drink will; put me on the floor with a bad headache.
I used to get Migrains once a week. They were bad. One cool thing about them was I would get incredibly sleepy after they passed. I would wake up giddy from such a deep sleep.. Still not worth it.

I'm not 100% sure why I don't get them anymore so take my advice as just guesses. Look for patterns. For instance if you get your migraines on fridays and you skip lunch on Fridays eat snacks. Or if you skip your coffee etc. I know every site/doctor says check your patterns but really stop and think about it.

The other thing is take a NOS supplement. Nitric Oxide supplement used in strength training. Get high quality supplement without the stimulants, sugar or other stuff. I think it is L-arginine. Double check. It just makes you more vascular and gives you boners (unless you are a woman). Boners have nothing to do with headaches but it is kind of funny.

Take a weight lifters dose of l-arginine. Don't over do it. Too much will also give you headaches.