I have yet another newbie question...

Okay, here are some pictures of my sickly tomato plants. I also found a Hab plant that is infected with something. Which until now they were my strongest plants. Yes, I screamed again when I saw the Hab plant.
I'm am close to doing a mass slaughter and throw them all out into the cold and just order plants from Cross Country.




Here is my sick Habanero plant. I am at my wits end....I think I am having that BAM effect that Omri mentioned. I wish sick plants constituted using a sick day for work, but somehow I don't think the boss would be sympathetic.



Wow, that stinks. Are you using pots from prior years that you didn't clean out, what dirt are you using, are you on a nute schedule?
Well if your debating on wether or not to slaughter... you must act quick and fast. The longer you wait, the more painful it will be :( Its the only way to go, quick and fast or not at all.
DrHavanger said:
Wow, that stinks. Are you using pots from prior years that you didn't clean out, what dirt are you using, are you on a nute schedule?

Doc, everything is new this year...This is my first attempt. After reading everything I could about soil, I choose ProMix BX and I'm sure what a nute is but yea I do have a nutty schedule. ;)

AlabamaJack said:
Bacterial leaf blight of tomato and pepper

Infected pepper leaf has small, circular pale-green raised spots. Eventually, the spots become chocolate-brown with a paler-brown center on the lower leaf surface. During severe infestation, the plant drops most of its leaves leaving its fruits exposed to direct sunlight. Infected fruit has circular green spots. As the bacteria progresses, the spots turn dark-brown to black and with raised, cracked, scabby surfaces.

I am saddened to say that I think that AJ is probably right. :cry: I found a web site that is describing what my tomato and habenaro plants symptoms are, almost to the "T". http://learningstore.uwex.edu/pdf/A2604.pdf

Now I just have to decide if I want to spend the money and send OSU the specimens or not and admit defeat by throwing them all out. What would you do?
mudatvs said:
I am saddened to say that I think that AJ is probably right. :cry: I found a web site that is describing what my tomato and habenaro plants symptoms are, almost to the "T". http://learningstore.uwex.edu/pdf/A2604.pdf

Now I just have to decide if I want to spend the money and send OSU the specimens or not and admit defeat by throwing them all out. What would you do?

This is my first time growing, too, so I can't offer any real advice. But if it were me, I'd want to know WHY and HOW it happened so I could make sure it wasn't going to happen again!
I would want to know what it is too...main reason being, if it IS a bacterial infection, the bacteria will live on any surface that the plants have been around...and you need to know what bacteria it is to know what to use to "sterilize" the areas the plants have been...JMHO...

I haven't thought about viruses but from the symptoms your plants are showing, I wouldn't think it is a virus...again MHO
AlabamaJack said:
I would want to know what it is too...main reason being, if it IS a bacterial infection, the bacteria will live on any surface that the plants have been around...and you need to know what bacteria it is to know what to use to "sterilize" the areas the plants have been...JMHO...

I'd wanna know so I could throw it back in Burpee's face. Cleaning isn't a problem, though, a 1:10 bleach solution with 5 minutes of contact will clean all the equipment.

I haven't thought about viruses but from the symptoms your plants are showing, I wouldn't think it is a virus...again MHO

Are you positive there are no aphids or other bugs on any of the plants? That's probably what Burpee is going to say, so check them thoroughly.
You guys are right, I should spend the little extra $ so that I can get a detailed report on what is going on and if it turns out that it is a seed problem, I will have some scientific proof to back my claim. I checked each and all of my plants and can not find any bug activity. In fact the only bug I found was onea half dead ladybug, which I am sure was just attracted to the warmth of my lights.

I'll keep y'all posted

Thanks again for everyone's support, it really means a lot...
